SpaceX launches huge rocket, but can it actually make it to Mars by 2029?

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June 7th 2024.

SpaceX launches huge rocket, but can it actually make it to Mars by 2029?
SpaceX, the private space company founded by Elon Musk, has achieved a major milestone in their journey towards Mars. Their Starship rocket, which stands at a towering 120 meters, has successfully launched and landed, making it the largest and most powerful spacecraft ever built. This remarkable feat brings Musk's Mars ambitions one step closer to reality.

During the most recent test, both parts of the rocket, the Starship and the Super Heavy booster, were able to return to Earth for the first time. The Starship, with an incredible thrust of 7.5 million kilograms, gracefully splashed down in the Indian Ocean while the Super Heavy landed in the Gulf of Mexico. This successful landing marks the fourth major flight test for SpaceX and is their most successful one yet. It comes hot on the heels of their previous attempt, where a Starship prototype was launched into orbit but failed to return to Earth.

The Starship blasted off from Boca Chica, Texas at 7:50 am and reached an altitude of nearly 211 kilometers, traveling at a staggering speed of more than 26,000 km/h before beginning its descent. Musk proudly shared a video of the launch on Twitter, showing the rocket's impressive weight of 5000 tons during liftoff.

However, the live broadcast also revealed that some parts of the spacecraft broke off during the intense heat of reentry, and a flying piece of debris even cracked the camera lens. Despite these challenges, Musk was thrilled with the outcome, writing on Twitter, "Despite the loss of many tiles and a damaged flap, Starship made it all the way to a soft landing in the ocean! Today was a great day for humanity's future as a spacefaring civilization!"

The success of this mission is a crucial milestone for SpaceX as they continue to develop a reusable rocket that will eventually take humans to Mars. The test flight achieved several objectives, including a fuel transfer in mid-air, which will be essential for future missions to the Moon and Mars. SpaceX believes that the Starship is critical in creating a self-sustaining city on Mars, and with its capability to travel to the Red Planet in just six months, it is a promising step towards making Musk's vision a reality.

While Mars has been studied by robots for over 40 years, the window for a launch to the Red Planet only comes around once every 26 months when the orbits of Earth and Mars align for the most favorable flight path. Musk has set his sights on launching humans to Mars by 2029 and ultimately colonizing the planet by 2050.

However, this ambitious timeline has been met with skepticism from researchers. A recent study published in Scientific Reports has raised concerns about the feasibility of SpaceX's mission to Mars. The researchers found significant technological gaps in the plans and concluded that launching by 2029, as Musk hopes, is not feasible with the current information provided by SpaceX. But they also suggest that with advancements in technology, such as making nuclear reactors smaller and lighter for the propellant systems, the first Starships could potentially be launched by the mid-2030s.

In addition to SpaceX, NASA also has plans to send humans to Mars by the 2030s. As one of the only places in the solar system where life may have existed and a potential source of knowledge about our solar system's formation, Mars is an exciting destination for space exploration. However, there are many challenges to consider, such as providing oxygen, food, and water, as well as shelter and communication, before making a journey to Mars a reality. But with the ambitious goals of both Musk and NASA, we may see humans walking on the surface of Mars in our lifetime.

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