Celine Dion suffered from severe spasms and broken ribs while battling stiff-person syndrome.

Absolutely heartbreaking.

June 7th 2024.

Celine Dion suffered from severe spasms and broken ribs while battling stiff-person syndrome.
In a recent interview, Celine Dion bravely opened up about her difficult battle with stiff-person syndrome, a rare and painful autoimmune disorder. The 56-year-old singer, known for her powerful vocals and chart-topping hits, revealed that she had to cancel a series of tour dates in 2022 to focus on her recovery.

As anticipation builds for her upcoming Amazon Prime Video documentary, I Am: Celine Dion, the Grammy-winner shared the agonizing details of her condition in a sit-down interview with Hota Kotb. She described the feeling as if someone was strangling her and pushing her larynx and pharynx backwards, causing spasms and stiffness in her body. These symptoms can also occur in other areas, causing serious pain, discomfort, and even broken bones.

Celine explained that this condition can make simple tasks like singing and cooking incredibly challenging, as her muscles can become stuck in a certain position. She recalled a time when she had broken ribs due to the severity of her symptoms. The singer also shared that her documentary will give viewers an intimate look at her journey and the struggles she faced.

In a teaser clip on the Today show, host Hoda Kotb revealed that Celine is currently in the midst of the fight of her life, and it will all be captured in the documentary. The presenter previously spoke about the film with co-host Jenna Bush Hager, calling it jarring and moving. She also mentioned that Celine had almost died at one point, something the singer herself has acknowledged.

In 2022, Celine was forced to cancel concerts and revealed to her fans that she had been diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system. The disorder, which has no known cure, can turn people into "human statues" and is estimated to affect only one in a million people. It is more prevalent in women and can occur at any age, but typically develops between 30 and 60 years old.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Celine remains determined to overcome her illness and return to the stage. In the trailer for her documentary, she shared that her voice is the conductor of her life and brings her joy. She became emotional as she expressed her love for performing and her commitment to her fans. She vowed to keep fighting, even if it means crawling on stage, because she refuses to give up on her passion.

Celine's documentary, which takes fans behind the scenes of the past few years of her life, will be released on June 25. In the meantime, the singer continues to work hard on her recovery and remains grateful for the love and support of her fans. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, please get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you.

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