Soma Laishram: "I have the right to voice my opinion, regardless of the ban on my acting."

September 20th 2023.

Soma Laishram:
Soma Laishram, a Manipuri actor, has recently come under fire from an Imphal-based organisation for participating in a beauty pageant. The organisation claims that by taking part in the event, Laishram has dishonored her state.

Laishram, who has acted in over 100 Manipuri films, was taken aback by the development. She took to social media to voice her opinion on the matter.

"I strongly oppose this move. As an artist and a social influencer, I have every right to speak up wherever I want. What I've done does not go against my state and my motherland," said Laishram.

The actress also explained why she joined the Northeast festival as a show stopper. "My intention was to support my state and spread awareness among the thousands of people present there," she said.

The ban on Laishram has been widely condemned by the public and film associations. A top functionary of the Film Forum Manipur went as far as to call the interference "unfortunate and uncalled for".

The ban comes amid a difficult time in Manipur, where more than 175 people have been killed and several hundreds injured since ethnic violence broke out in early May. The Meitei community, which makes up the majority of Manipur's population, has been protesting the demand for Scheduled Tribe status. The tribals, such as Nagas and Kukis, make up 40% of the population and reside mostly in the hill districts.

Laishram has urged celebrities to do thorough research before posting about Manipur. She believes that this is the only way to ensure that no misunderstandings arise.

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