Share your opinions & experiences with the inquiry committee as public hearings start.

Speak up and be heard!

June 13th 2023.

Share your opinions & experiences with the inquiry committee as public hearings start.
As the UK Covid-19 Inquiry begins, many are reminded of the pain and suffering of the pandemic. The Inquiry, set up two years ago by Boris Johnson, will look into the impact the pandemic has had and hear evidence from family members and experts. With the pandemic affecting every single person in the UK, only a small number will get to voice their views at the hearing centre in West London. However, there is still a way for everyone to have their say - Every Story Matters.

Every Story Matters is a dedicated website for the Inquiry and allows anyone to anonymously record their experiences. The form is easy to use and mostly optional. The only compulsory sections are 'Tell us about your experience' and ticking boxes on one of the categories, such as vaccines. It doesn't ask for your name, email address or any other identifiable information.

These stories will be collated, analysed and turned into reports which will be submitted as evidence. This will help to answer three key questions: was the UK prepared for the pandemic, was the response appropriate and can lessons be learned for the future? By sharing experiences with the Inquiry, people can help to understand and assess the full picture of how the pandemic impacted lives, and help to learn lessons for the future.

The website allows people to submit as much or as little detail as they like. There are many categories to choose from, including the effect on jobs, families, education, worship, mental health, vaccines, care homes, Long Covid, parenting, shopping and holidays. Forms are also available in different formats and languages, including ones to send by post. The website will remain open while the Inquiry is ongoing and people can save their progress when submitting. Support services are also available for anyone who finds the discussion triggering.

It is important to have your say in the Covid-19 Inquiry. By submitting your experiences, you can help shape the Inquiry’s investigations and form part of the historical record of the pandemic for future researchers.

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