September 2024's tarot horoscope for your zodiac sign.

Be prepared for the upcoming month.

August 29th 2024.

September 2024's tarot horoscope for your zodiac sign.
Are you ready for a fresh start? As we enter September, the world of astrology is preparing to give us a boost. Pluto is moving into ambitious Capricorn, and the Moon is entering organized Virgo. This is the perfect time to get our lives in order. However, we should be aware that our emotions may be driving us more than our rational thoughts, thanks to Mars in Cancer on September 4.

This month's energy is particularly heavy with feelings, which is only intensified by the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 18. It would be wise to take some time for introspection and self-care during this period. But don't worry, because the following week, Libra season begins and encourages us to enjoy the company of others.

Now, let's take a look at your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of September 2024. Three tarot cards have been drawn for each sign, and their meanings are explained below.

Aries (March 21 to April 20):
Try not to get in your own way, Aries. The Eight of Swords and King of Wands indicate that you may have a tendency to self-sabotage. Just when you're making progress towards your goals, you may do something that hinders your journey. Take a moment to reflect on past instances of this behavior and identify any patterns. Make a conscious effort to replace these impulses with more positive ones. The Star is blessing you with a wish this month, so use it to focus on something dreamy and believe in yourself. Be your own coach, manager, cheerleader, and supporter to avoid any self-sabotage.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21):
What are you hungry for, Taurus? The Devil and Three of Cups suggest that you have a big appetite for all things indulgent. However, be careful not to give in to temptations, especially when socializing with friends. Set boundaries and stick to them. The Queen of Coins shows that with some planning, you can still have a great time without going overboard.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21):
Magic is in the air for you, Gemini. The High Priestess encourages you to tap into your intuition and let your imagination run wild. The Nine of Cups suggests that you direct this internal exploration towards pleasure, daydreams, and ideal visions for your life. The Page of Swords reminds you to have faith in your dreams and your ability to make them a reality.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23):
You have a unique ability to protect and support others, Cancer. The Emperor and Six of Coins indicate that you provide practical and valuable assistance to those around you. Your nurturing and protective nature is highly valued by those in your circle. The Knight of Coins suggests that you may need to defend someone or something this month. Be cautious and use your practical magic to help them through it.

Leo (July 24 to August 23):
Your head and heart may be telling you different things this month, Leo. The Lovers and Temperance encourage you to lean into the chaos and find a middle ground between extremes. The Six of Wands reassures you that this temporary disbalance will lead to a better understanding and a successful outcome. Trust the process and stay true to yourself.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23):
Let The Chariot guide you, Virgo. The Six of Cups suggests that looking back into your past can help you move forward with clarity. The Chariot also points towards a possible journey or trip, and the Eight of Wands encourages you to socialize and enjoy yourself. Embrace this season and use the positive energy to build towards the future.
Are you ready for a fresh start? As September begins, the world of astrology is here to give you a boost. Pluto's move into ambitious Capricorn and the Moon's entry into organized Virgo bring a positive energy for getting your life in order. However, Mars in Cancer on September 4th may cause you to be more emotionally driven than rational.

This heightened emotional atmosphere continues with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 18th. It's a good time for introspection and self-care. Don't worry though, as Libra season starting the following week will help you feel more inclined to socialize and enjoy the company of others.

Now, let's take a look at your star sign's tarot horoscope for the month of September 2024. Three tarot cards have been drawn for each sign, and their meanings will be explained.

Aries (March 21 to April 20)
Aries, you have a tendency to get in your own way. The Eight of Swords and King of Wands show you working hard towards your goals, but then something happens that derails your progress. Take a moment this September to reflect on these patterns and identify the triggers and feelings that lead to self-sabotage. The Star is blessing you with a wish this month, so use it wisely and work towards your dreams without any self-doubt or sabotage. Be your own coach, manager, cheerleader, and supporter.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
Taurus, you have a big appetite for the good things in life. The Devil and Three of Cups may lead you to temptation this month, especially in social settings. It's important to set boundaries and be discerning in your choices. Don't kid yourself and think you can have just one drink or splurge on expensive outings. The Queen of Coins shows that with proper planning, you can still have a great time without overspending.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
Magic is in the air for you this month, Gemini. The High Priestess encourages you to tap into your intuition and imagination. Let your mind wander and listen to your desires and daydreams. The Nine of Cups suggests focusing on pleasure and creating the reality you want for yourself. The Page of Swords reminds you to have faith in your dreams and your ability to make them come true.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23)
Cancer, you have a unique ability to protect and support others. The Emperor and Six of Coins show you offering practical and useful assistance to those in your circle. Your nurturing nature is greatly appreciated, but don't forget to take a little bit of that magic back for yourself. The Knight of Coins indicates that you may need to be protective and guarded this month, but you have the strength to make it work.

Leo (July 24 to August 23)
Your head and heart may be at odds this month, Leo. The Lovers and Temperance show a struggle with temptations and decisions. It's important to find a middle ground and not give in to extremes. The Six of Wands reassures you that this chaos is leading you to a better understanding and success in the long run.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)
Let The Chariot guide you this month, Virgo. The Eight of Wands suggests reaching back into your past for guidance and understanding. The Six of Cups brings a reunion that will help you along your journey. The Chariot also hints at possible travel or a move to a place that holds special meaning for you. The key is to enjoy the present and use this rekindled energy to build towards the future.

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