Send funny, harmless pranks over text, Facebook or WhatsApp on April Fools' Day to make your friends laugh!

Play pranks 'til noon on Sat Apr 1 but no more!

March 31st 2023.

Send funny, harmless pranks over text, Facebook or WhatsApp on April Fools' Day to make your friends laugh!
This April Fool's Day, why not take advantage of the Saturday by having a bit of fun over text or on social media? There are plenty of hilarious pranks that you can pull on your friends - from congratulating them on a made up milestone to pretending you have welcomed an unusual pet into the family. You could also try sending a panicked DM over an accidental post, texting someone entirely in song lyrics, buying some fake piercings and sending photos to your family, or even becoming a facts bot. For an extra touch, you can even change your logo! So make sure you have a good laugh this April Fool's Day and make someone else chuckle too. #

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This April Fools' Day, don't miss out on the fun just because you don't work on the weekends! There are still plenty of opportunities to prank your friends and family via text or social media. Let your imagination go wild and come up with something funny and harmless that everyone can laugh about.

You could congratulate your best friend for a made-up milestone, like a pregnancy or a new job – get a few friends to join in the joke and post individual comments on the post to make it more believable.

You could also pretend you have met a celebrity, and make up a weird trait or remark they made to make it more convincing.

If you want to take it a step further, you can pretend you have adopted an unusual pet and give it a funny name. Or, send a panicked DM over an accidental post.

For a lighter prank, you can text your friends entirely in song lyrics, or buy some fake piercings and send photos to your family.

Or, become a 'facts bot' and bombard your friends with random facts, or even change your logo – whatever takes your fancy!

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So don't let April Fools' Day pass you by – come up with your own unique prank and get your friends and family laughing this Saturday!

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