Scorpio season is ideal for introspection and embracing your dark side, as suggested by your zodiac's tarot reading.

Let's dive in further.

October 19th 2024.

Scorpio season is ideal for introspection and embracing your dark side, as suggested by your zodiac's tarot reading.
In this season of Scorpio, it is a time to delve deep into our innermost desires and fears. As the world is enveloped in the energy of this powerful and intense sign, we are encouraged to explore the dark and occult aspects of ourselves. Scorpios have a natural inclination towards analyzing everything, especially the hidden and scary parts of life that others may shy away from. They have a deep need to uncover the truth and are fearless and resilient in their pursuit of it.

This is a time for shadow work, to confront and understand the suppressed parts of ourselves that we may not want others to see. We all have aspects of ourselves that we push down, but they never truly disappear. Instead, they continue to influence us and can resurface at unexpected moments. The key to shadow work is to acknowledge these traits, understand their origins, and learn to manage them in a healthy way.

Let the tarot be your guide during this Scorpio season as you embark on your own shadow work journey. Take my hand, and together, we will navigate through the challenges and revelations that lay ahead.

For Aries, the Three of Wands sets the tone for your shadow work. It is time to confront the inner jester or chaotic clown within you that can sabotage your efforts and distract you from important tasks. Talk to this part of yourself and find a balance between being responsible and having fun.

Taurus, the Five of Cups is your guide this season. It is time to acknowledge and comfort the grieving part of yourself that you have been ignoring. Grief comes in unpredictable waves, and it is important to surrender to these feelings and allow yourself to heal.

Gemini, the Temperance card reminds you to find balance and moderation in your life. One of your twins may be taking control and leading you down a path of addictive or obsessive behavior. Take time to ground yourself and seek harmony.

The Ten of Cups sets the tone for Cancer's shadow work this season. It is time to examine your relationships and let go of any needy or outdated versions of yourself that may be controlling them. Make changes to create more balanced and fulfilling connections.

Leo, the Six of Wands reminds you that you need to experience the bad in order to truly appreciate the good in life. Embrace the contrast and stop resisting difficult or upsetting moments. You are strong enough to handle anything that comes your way.

For Virgo, the Death card symbolizes transformation and change. Deep down, you may fear these things and try to hold onto control. But life is unpredictable, and it's time to learn to embrace change and transform yourself in positive ways.

As we enter Scorpio season, let us embrace the energy of this intense and probing sign. It is a time for shadow work and self-discovery, and with the guidance of the tarot, we can navigate through this season of transformation and growth. Remember, it's okay to be vulnerable and face our fears, for in doing so, we can find healing and release.
As we enter the Scorpio season on October 22nd, it's a time to delve deep into our innermost desires and fears. This is a time when the energy of the Pluto-ruled Scorpio permeates the world, bringing with it a sense of darkness, occultism, and intensity. Scorpios are known for their analytical nature, especially when it comes to uncovering the hidden, scary, and secretive aspects of life. They have a strong need to understand and are not afraid to ask the tough questions that others may shy away from.

During this season, it's important to do some shadow work and explore the suppressed parts of ourselves that we may not want others to see. We all have these hidden traits, but they don't just disappear - they can surface in unexpected ways and influence our lives. The key to shadow work is acknowledging and understanding these traits, their origins, and their triggers, and then working towards managing them and releasing them into the light.

Let the guidance of the tarot be your companion on this journey of self-discovery during Scorpio season. Hold my hand as we explore the shadow work objectives or themes for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 20):
Buckle down, Aries. The Three of Wands sets the tone for your Scorpio season shadow work. You may have an inner jester or chaotic clown who likes to sabotage you when you're trying to focus or tackle tasks that you find boring. This jester is just trying to keep your inner child entertained and happy, but as an adult, you need to tell them to simmer down and promise them playtime at a more appropriate time. Adulting requires boring tasks too, and it's important to find a balance between work and play.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):
The Five of Cups is your guide for Scorpio season, Taurus. It's time to embrace and understand the grieving version of yourself that you may have been ignoring or pushing past. Grief comes in unpredictable waves, and you can't control it. So surrender to these feelings and show compassion to your hurting self. Offer the same comfort and support that you would to a beloved friend.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):
Temperance is the card that will help you with your Scorpio season shadow work, Gemini. It's time to find balance and moderation in your life. You may have been letting one of your twins take the wheel and become too dominant, leading to addictive behaviors, extreme habits, or obsessiveness. Come back to the middle ground and seek harmony and peace. Grounding is your homework during this season.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23):
The Ten of Cups sets the tone for your Scorpio season shadow work, Cancer. It's time to examine your relationships and see where there may be a needy or outdated version of yourself that is still controlling your habits and behaviors. Look at your investments and actions in these relationships and ask yourself why you keep giving when there is nothing equal happening in return. Talk to your inner child and make some changes.

Leo (July 24 - August 23):
The Six of Wands guides you towards your Scorpio season shadow work, Leo. This is a card of luck, success, and happiness, but it's also a reminder that you need the bad to appreciate the good in life. You can't see the light without experiencing the darkness. So instead of resisting bad news or upsetting events, embrace them and live through them. You are strong and capable of handling whatever life throws your way.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23):
Death is your guide for Scorpio season, Virgo. This card symbolizes transformation, and it's time for you to reboot and reset. Deep down, you may have a fear of change and a need for control over everything in your life. But life will always bring unpredictable events and challenges. It's time to let go of this need for control and embrace change and transformation on your own terms.

As we enter the Scorpio season, let the energy of this sign guide us towards our innermost desires and fears. Embrace the shadow work and use the guidance of the tarot to help you on this journey of self-discovery. Remember, we all have hidden parts of ourselves, but it's how we acknowledge and manage them that truly defines who we are.

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