Saturn Retrograde in 2024 may cause you to question a past decision - according to your tarot horoscope based on your zodiac sign.

The transportation operates from June 30 until November 15.

June 27th 2024.

Saturn Retrograde in 2024 may cause you to question a past decision - according to your tarot horoscope based on your zodiac sign.
The current phase of Saturn Retrograde has moved into the sign of Pisces, bringing about a time for introspection and review of the major decisions made in 2024. From June 30 to November 15, this extended phase may have you feeling the urge to reevaluate and reflect on the choices you've made thus far. It may be beneficial to seek a second opinion, reexamine the situation, and gather the most up-to-date information and facts. After all, things can change rapidly and the world is not the same as it was when you initially made these decisions. Being well-informed and conscious of your actions is key.

Allow the guidance of the tarot to lead you towards areas of your life that may benefit from review and improvement. For Aries, the Page of Swords represents a decision made in haste or under pressure. Now is the time to revisit this choice and honestly assess the outcomes and consequences. You have the power to make a new decision without seeking permission from anyone else. This may pertain to a child, a new project or role, or an idea that others doubted. While your emotions may be protective, try to approach this with a logical and rational mindset.

As a Taurus, you may have experienced some hurt this year from someone who may have betrayed you or acted harshly towards you. The Three of Swords suggests a need to reevaluate your response and whether it was the right thing to do. Have you protected yourself and shown the emotional intelligence you strive for? This is a delicate balance between mercy and protection.

Gemini, you may have begun a new creative project, friendship, or romance this year that felt like a perfect match. The Ace of Cups invites you to take a closer look at how this has played out and what lessons you can learn from it. This experience may shed light on your true desires, deal breakers, and how you can attract more positivity in the future.

For Cancer, the Page of Wands reminds you to not let pride stand in the way of making necessary changes. A decision made in 2024 may have felt spontaneous and now you're questioning if it was the right move. It's never too late to reassess and make new choices that align with your priorities.

Leo, the Judgment card speaks to a realization you had about your identity in 2024. However, it's important to not let this knowledge sit stagnant. Use it as a catalyst for growth and progress in designing a life that aligns with your true self.

Virgo, the Hierophant suggests a need to reevaluate your connections and alliances made in 2024. While they may have served some benefits, you can now see their limitations. Don't be afraid to seek out new groups or mentors that truly align with your needs and aspirations. Keep searching for your tribe.
The current Saturn Retrograde is taking place in the sign of Pisces. This phase, which begins on June 30 and lasts until November 15, is quite a lengthy one. During this time, you may feel a strong urge to revisit and contemplate the major decisions you've made so far in 2024. It's a great opportunity to seek a second opinion, re-examine your choices, and gather the most up-to-date information and facts. After all, things can change quickly and the world is constantly evolving. Therefore, having the latest intel can be very valuable in making necessary adjustments.

While it's important to trust your intuition and gut instinct, it's also crucial to make informed decisions. So, let the tarot guide you towards what areas of your life may benefit from review and improvement during this retrograde.

March 21 to April 20
For Aries, this retrograde is all about making choices based on facts rather than emotions. The Tarot card for Aries during this time is the Page of Swords. This indicates that there was a decision you made in a rush, possibly under pressure. Now is the perfect time to revisit that decision in private and examine the truth of the outcomes and consequences. You don't need anyone's permission to make a new choice - this is your life to live.

This decision may be related to a child, a new project or role, or an idea that others may have doubted. It may feel vulnerable to you, making you feel protective. However, it's important to push emotions aside and approach the situation in a rational and logical manner.

April 21 to May 21
For Taurus, this retrograde is an opportunity to look back and reassess a situation that may have caused hurt in the past. The Tarot card for Taurus during this time is the Three of Swords, indicating that someone may have hurt you this year and you doubted their intentions towards you. Now that some time has passed, it may be worth revisiting the situation with a clear mind. Did you handle things the right way? Have you protected yourself and shown emotional intelligence? It's a delicate balance between mercy and protection.

May 22 to June 21
Gemini, this retrograde is all about learning from past experiences. The Tarot card for Gemini during this time is the Ace of Cups, representing a new creative project, deep friendship, or romance that gave you a feeling of falling in love. Take this opportunity to reflect on what has happened since then and how you feel now. There may be valuable lessons to be learned about your true desires and needs in other areas of your life, as well as how to attract good things in the future.

June 22 to July 23
For Cancer, this retrograde is a reminder not to let pride get in the way of making necessary changes. The Tarot card for Cancer during this time is the Page of Wands, indicating that you may have made a rash and spontaneous decision in 2024. It may involve a child, a new opportunity, or a situation that you felt pressured to say "yes" to. Remember that it's never too late to make new choices and reassess your priorities. Take your time to think things through and make sure your decisions align with your goals and needs.

July 24 to August 23
Leo, this retrograde is about taking action based on self-awareness. The Tarot card for Leo during this time is Judgment, representing a conclusion you came to about your identity or true nature in 2024. However, it's important to not let this knowledge go to waste. Use it as a catalyst for growth and progress in finding your niche and designing a life that aligns with your skills, talents, and needs.

August 24 to September 23
For Virgo, this retrograde may be a time to reevaluate your connections and associations. The Tarot card for Virgo during this time is The Hierophant, indicating that you may have joined forces or created an alliance with someone or a small group in 2024. While this connection may have brought some benefits, you may now see its limitations. Don't be afraid to seek out new connections and find your tribe, even if it means letting go of old ones that no longer serve you. Keep searching for fulfillment, satisfaction, and support.

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