Sailor avoids jail time after shooting girlfriend with BB gun.

Harley Moore, 18, assaulted 3 women during an alcohol-fueled outburst in Deal, Kent.

September 24th 2023.

Sailor avoids jail time after shooting girlfriend with BB gun.
Harley Moore, an 18-year-old Navy sailor, has been spared jail after he attacked three women during a drunken rampage in Deal, Kent. The Margate Magistrates' Court heard that Moore had become enraged after his partner had gone on a trip to London with another man.

The altercation continued when the couple went out drinking with a friend of Moore's partner's. Moore's partner told police that he had pinned her up against the wall in the toilet at The Sir Norman Wisdom Wetherspoon in Deal, and had fired at her with a BB gun, hitting her in the foot. Moore also pushed a female employee at the pub.

Moore's partner suffered a scratch to the face and her friend suffered a bruised back. Moore admitted to four counts of assault by beating on Thursday. His partner said in an impact statement that she was shocked that someone she thought she loved could do this to her and her friend.

The court declined to enforce a community service order against Moore since it would likely cost him his job as a junior able seaman on the HMS Prince of Wales. Chair Magistrate David Gibbons said that while the offenses were deserving of a community order, it had become apparent that this was unworkable. He stated that they did not wish for Moore to lose his job, but could not let it mean that he escaped justice.

Moore was given a three-year conditional discharge. This means that if Moore reoffends within the three-year period, he is liable to be punished for both the recent altercation and any subsequent offences. Ian Bond, Moore's defense lawyer, said that his client was genuinely remorseful.

Chief Petty Officer Darrell Binner was also present at the court, and stated that the Navy was taking disciplinary action, and that they took a very seriously dim view of what Moore had done.

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