Russian defector exploded base, vanished in Ukraine.

A Russian defector threw a grenade in his barracks and fled to Ukraine.

August 21st 2024.

Russian defector exploded base, vanished in Ukraine.
According to reports from Kyiv, a Russian soldier, known by his call sign 'Silver', made a daring escape to Ukraine after causing chaos within his own unit. The defector, who had been working undercover with the help of an anti-Putin group, blew up his base and took out his commander before disappearing across the frontlines.

Silver's decision to defect was fueled by his disgust for Russia's actions, including what he described as "systematic war crimes." He had been gathering valuable intelligence for Ukraine for months before making his move. The Ukrainian government praised his efforts, stating that Silver's information had been invaluable in determining the enemy's location, numbers, and intentions.

In a press conference held in Kyiv, Silver explained his escape plan in detail. He had noticed a ventilation shaft in the basement where his commander and fellow officers were sleeping. With a quick toss, he dropped a grenade down the pipe, causing chaos and confusion. As he made his way to the frontlines, Silver remained cautious, fearing that he may have been double-crossed.

But his fears were unfounded. Waiting for him at the frontlines were Ukrainian soldiers, who greeted him with tea and biscuits. Silver, who had been a paramedic in his hometown of Kemerovo, Siberia, had also taken precautions by planting mines along his escape route.

Reflecting on his actions, Silver expressed his desire to serve in the army and protect his motherland. However, he could no longer support Russia's actions and did not want to risk his life for Putin. He has since joined the Ukrainian Legion and is currently undergoing basic training.

Silver's story, which occurred during the winter, has only recently been revealed to the public. He stated that he wanted to serve his country, but not under the current circumstances. His motherland, he believes, is still in Russia, but he did not want to serve for a country at war and under the leadership of Putin.

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