Russia reports 22 civilians dead due to Ukrainian shelling.

22 civilians died in a Ukrainian bombing of a store in Moscow's Kherson region, according to Governor Vladimir Saldo. Many were inside at the time.

June 8th 2024.

Russia reports 22 civilians dead due to Ukrainian shelling.
In a tragic turn of events, the peaceful village of Sadovoye in Russia's Kherson region was struck by a devastating bombing, causing the loss of innocent lives. The Governor, Vladimir Saldo, shared the heartbreaking news that at least 22 civilians lost their lives in this horrific attack.

According to a report from TASS, Governor Saldo revealed that the bombing occurred on a Friday, while the store was bustling with customers and staff. It was a bustling day like any other, until the unthinkable happened. The strike happened twice, as reported by Xinhua news agency.

Governor Saldo went on to say that the first strike was carried out by a guided French aerial bomb, followed by a second strike from a well-known American HIMARS projectile. The details of such a coordinated attack are truly devastating. As the first strike hit, people from nearby houses rushed to the scene to help the victims. However, their heroic efforts were cut short when the second strike hit, this time with a HIMARS missile. The Governor shared the heartbreaking news that among the casualties were two innocent children.

The village of Sadovoye, known for its peaceful and close-knit community, has been left in a state of shock and grief. The loss of innocent lives is always a tragedy, and this attack has left a scar on the hearts of the villagers. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and the entire village during this difficult time. Let us hope for peace and unity in the wake of such a devastating event.

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