Russia and North Korea have agreed to help each other in the event of an attack by signing a mutual defence treaty.

Putin and Kim signed a partnership agreement, promising mutual aid in case of attack, at a summit in Pyongyang amid tensions with the west.

June 19th 2024.

Russia and North Korea have agreed to help each other in the event of an attack by signing a mutual defence treaty.
In a highly anticipated summit in Pyongyang on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement. The agreement includes a vow of mutual aid in the event of an attack on either country, as both nations face increasing tensions with the west.

The specifics of the assistance outlined in the agreement, described as a "comprehensive strategic partnership," are still unclear. However, the timing of this agreement is significant as it comes amid concerns about the arms arrangement between North Korea and Russia. This arrangement involves North Korea providing munitions to Russia in exchange for economic aid and technology transfers, which could potentially enhance the threat posed by Kim's nuclear weapons and missile program.

According to Russian state media, Putin shared that a significant portion of their discussions with Kim focused on security and international issues. He also mentioned that under this agreement, Russia would not rule out the possibility of developing military-technical cooperation with North Korea.

On the other hand, Kim emphasized that the partnership is of a peaceful and defensive nature. He expressed confidence that this agreement would be a driving force in creating a new multipolar world. In addition to the partnership deal, Russia and North Korea also signed agreements on cooperation in healthcare, medical education, and science.

Putin's arrival in Pyongyang was met with a grand welcome from Kim, who greeted him at the airport and rode with him in a limousine through the brightly lit streets of the capital. The city was adorned with giant Russian flags and portraits of Putin, and huge crowds of spectators lined up to greet the Russian president.

The talks between Putin and Kim began the following day, and the two leaders exchanged gifts after the discussions. Putin presented Kim with a Russian-made Aurus limo, a tea set, and a naval officer's dagger. In return, Kim gave Putin artworks depicting the Russian leader.

The summit is the first visit by a Russian leader to North Korea in 24 years, and it aims to strengthen the "fiery friendship" between the two nations. Putin mentioned the historical ties between the two countries, dating back to the Soviet army's involvement in the Korean Peninsula during World War II, as well as their support for each other during the Korean War.

The partnership between Russia and North Korea has raised concerns among the international community, especially in light of the ongoing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The United States and its allies have accused North Korea of providing Russia with weapons for use in Ukraine, in exchange for vital military technologies and aid. However, both Pyongyang and Moscow have denied these allegations, which would violate multiple UN Security Council sanctions.

The summit also comes at a time when the US and South Korea are conducting joint military exercises, and North Korea has been conducting weapons tests. In addition, there has been a resurgence of Cold War-style psychological warfare between the two Koreas, with North Korea dropping propaganda leaflets on the South, and the South broadcasting anti-North Korean messages through loudspeakers.

As for the future of this partnership, it is expected that talks will continue to expand cooperation in various areas such as agriculture, fisheries, and mining. The possibility of increasing Russian tourism to North Korea may also be explored. However, concerns have been raised about the North's potential exploitation of this partnership to gain foreign currency in defiance of UN Security Council sanctions.

In Washington, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken commented on Putin's visit to North Korea, stating that it illustrates Russia's attempts to strengthen relations with other nations in order to support its war of aggression against Ukraine. Nevertheless, the partnership between Russia and North Korea is a significant development in the ongoing geopolitical landscape and will continue to garner attention from the international community.

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