RSS wants RSP union elections to happen sooner.

The Rourkela Shramik Sangha has requested the deputy labour commissioner to hold elections for the workers' union at Rourkela Steel Plant promptly. The general secretary, Prasant Behera, wrote a letter to the Labour Commissioner's Office in Bhubaneswar on March 11.

May 27th 2024.

RSS wants RSP union elections to happen sooner.
In the bustling city of Rourkela, there is a strong sense of unity among the workers at the Rourkela Steel Plant. The Rourkela Shramik Sangha, a workers' organization, is determined to uphold their rights and ensure a fair and democratic representation for their fellow employees. In order to achieve this, they have requested the deputy labour commissioner to conduct elections for the formation of a new workers' union as soon as possible.

The general secretary of the RSS, Prasant Behera, has taken the lead in this effort and has written a letter to the Labour Commissioner's Office in Bhubaneswar on March 11. He has also submitted a copy of the letter to the local Labour Commissioner's office in Rourkela. It is worth noting that the term of the previous RSS-run union ended on March 12, leaving a void in the representation of the RSP workers. Behera has once again reiterated the urgency of conducting the elections and has expressed his disappointment towards the delay caused by the BMS-affiliated Rourkela Ispat Karkhana Karmachari Sangh and its general secretary, Himansu Bal.

Behera has pointed out that the delay in the elections is due to a case filed by the Rourkela Ispat Karkhana Karmachari Sangh at the Orissa High Court. The next hearing for this case is scheduled for July 12. He firmly believes that by filing this case, the BMS-affiliated union has hindered the process of conducting fair and timely elections. Behera has stated that the RSS is fully prepared to fight the elections at any given time and is eager to move forward with the process.

The RSS general secretary has also highlighted the significant progress made by the organization for the betterment of RSP employees in recent years. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed with SAIL, which has resulted in a new pay scale for the workers. Additionally, the fringe benefits have been increased to 26.5%, bringing much-needed relief to the employees. Furthermore, the night shift and HR allowances have also seen a considerable increase during the RSS's tenure.

Behera has also mentioned the significant improvements made in the health benefits provided to RSP workers. Various pathological tests can now be conducted at the first-aid centre within the RSP premises, and wellness allowances are being provided to employees of different departments. The amount for organ transplantation has also been increased to Rs 25 lakh, a significant increase from the previous amount of Rs 10 lakh. The RSS is committed to ensuring the well-being of its workers, and these changes are a testament to that.

Apart from these noteworthy developments, Behera has also highlighted the qualitative enhancements made in the maintenance of roads, houses, drainage, and other services. The community centers in various localities have been modernized, and the one at Sector-18 has been transformed into a beautiful marriage hall. Furthermore, the house allotment rules have been revised, making it easier for employees to obtain quarters. Behera has also mentioned the setting up of a crèche for the children of female employees, which has been a great support for working mothers.

In conclusion, the Rourkela Shramik Sangha and its dedicated general secretary Prasant Behera have been working tirelessly towards the betterment of the RSP workers. They are determined to ensure a fair and just representation of their fellow employees and are eagerly awaiting the elections to form a new workers' union. Their efforts have resulted in significant improvements in various aspects of the workers' lives, and they are committed to continuing their work for the betterment of the RSP community.

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