Rowan, the leader of a cult on Coronation Street, is about to face his downfall as a resident plans to take him down.

Leanne is at risk.

May 10th 2024.

Rowan, the leader of a cult on Coronation Street, is about to face his downfall as a resident plans to take him down.
Toyah Battersby was growing increasingly worried about her sister, Leanne Battersby, in Coronation Street. She had noticed Leanne spending a lot of time with a man named Rowan, who claimed to be the leader of a self-help institute called Altovalent. However, Toyah had a feeling that something was off about this whole situation.

Despite Toyah's concerns, Leanne seemed completely enthralled by the cult and showed no signs of questioning their teachings. In fact, she had even started attributing any good things happening in her life to the "reality coding" that the group preached. It was like she was a true believer, blindly following everything they said.

The situation took a sinister turn when Leanne opened up to Rowan in a process he called "uploading." During this, she revealed personal details about her past, including her time as a sex worker and the time she set fire to her restaurant in an insurance scam. To make matters worse, Rowan had recorded the entire conversation on his phone as a means of controlling Leanne and possibly even extorting money from her.

In the latest episode of the ITV soap, Leanne spent a significant amount of time away from her sister and her boyfriend, Nick Tilsley. This only added to their concerns and they wondered what Leanne could possibly be doing with the cult. Nick was shocked to discover that money had been taken out of their joint account, only to find out that Leanne had used it to purchase vitamins prescribed by the Altovalent group.

Nick and Toyah were both skeptical, believing it to be a scam. However, Leanne was convinced that the vitamins were specially tailored to her needs and claimed to already feel better after taking them. This led to yet another argument between the sisters, with Toyah expressing her concerns about Rowan and his potentially illegal activities.

As Leanne walked away, Toyah confided in Nick that she was determined to dig deeper and find out the truth about Rowan and his cult. She was determined to save her sister from any further danger before it was too late. And with that, the episode came to a dramatic end.

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