Robbers come back to house after earlier break-in to take pet tortoise.

Councillor devastated as thieves steal pet tortoise again, following recent burglary.

September 26th 2024.

Robbers come back to house after earlier break-in to take pet tortoise.
Rainbow the tortoise had been a beloved companion to Councillor Pat Gregory for over 38 years. She had lovingly cared for him and his partner, Warrior, who had been inseparable since they were young. However, their peaceful home in Enfield, London was recently shattered when burglars broke in and ransacked the place, leaving behind a trail of destruction and causing Councillor Gregory to lose thousands of pounds worth of possessions.

The councillor had been away visiting her son in the hospital when the burglary occurred. Upon her return, she was shocked to find her home in disarray. But the devastation didn't end there. The heartless thieves returned to the property a few days later and took Rainbow, the special-needs tortoise who required a specific diet and medication to stay healthy. Councillor Gregory was heartbroken and worried that Rainbow would not survive without proper care.

She pleaded for the thieves to do the one decent thing in their lives and return her beloved pet, offering a reward and promising no questions asked. Warrior, who was also deeply affected by the loss of his partner, refused to eat and wandered aimlessly, searching for his companion. Councillor Gregory was determined to find Rainbow and even spent money on a gate and railings to protect her property.

After the burglary, Rainbow's white mark on his shell, which made him easily identifiable, was missing. Councillor Gregory feared that the burglars had removed it to avoid being caught. She was desperate for any information that could lead to the return of her precious pet. Meanwhile, Warrior was staying with a friend for his own safety, as Councillor Gregory couldn't risk losing him as well.

Rainbow and Warrior were named after the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior, which had been involved in important campaigns for the environment. Councillor Gregory had even been a contestant on the TV show Deal or No Deal and had won, using her winnings to continue caring for her beloved pets. She couldn't help but wish that Rainbow would miraculously return to her, safe and sound.

The Metropolitan Police was contacted for comment, and Councillor Gregory urged anyone with information to come forward. She was devastated by the loss of her possessions and, more importantly, her beloved tortoise. She hoped that Rainbow would be returned to her soon and that justice would be served for the burglary. For the latest news in London, visit The Agency's London news hub.

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