Rice & Felix discuss ways to achieve wellness & career success in life.

Women encouraged to prioritize their physical and mental health.

June 28th 2023.

Rice & Felix discuss ways to achieve wellness & career success in life.
Condoleezza Rice and Allyson Felix, two of the most powerful and influential women in the United States, have teamed up to share their wellness routines in hopes of inspiring other women to do the same.

The former Secretary of State and Olympic gold medalist spoke with CBS News at the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit in New Jersey to discuss the importance of wellness when it comes to reaching new heights in their career.

Rice, who grew up in a segregated Birmingham, Alabama, shared her father's advice on not letting other people's prejudices stop her from achieving her goals. "My father had a very good way of saying it: Don't let somebody else's prejudice be your problem," she said.

Rice understands that stress is a natural part of life, especially as you reach new levels of success. She also believes it's important to acknowledge stress and face it head-on. "I always said to myself, 'All right, this is a stressful situation.' And by naming it, I felt that I could deal with it then," she said. "What you can say is, 'I'm feeling stressed. How do I manage that stress?' And I think that's the most important thing."

Felix, a fierce advocate in the Black maternal health movement, has her own routine to combat stress. "I start my day off with my gratitude journal, and that really just centers me," she said. "Sometimes when my days get absolutely crazy, sometimes wellness looks like sitting in my car for a little bit longer, doing a little bit of meditation before I walk into the house."

Both Rice and Felix are powerful role models for women everywhere, and their words and advice are sure to inspire many to pursue their own wellness routines.

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