Residents in a Thai town are upset about the monkeys and plan to remove them.

A town in Thailand fights back against an increasing number of wild monkeys by using deception and tempting them with fresh tropical fruit.

May 24th 2024.

Residents in a Thai town are upset about the monkeys and plan to remove them.
In the bustling town of Lopburi in central Thailand, the population of wild monkeys has been steadily growing and causing chaos among its residents. After a series of monkey-human conflicts, the authorities have finally decided to take action and reduce the number of monkeys roaming the streets. Their plan? Luring the monkeys into cages with their favorite food and then relocating them to a new home.

On Friday, the first stage of the operation was put into action. Cages baited with ripe tropical fruits were set up, and the catchers patiently waited for the monkeys to succumb to their hunger and curiosity. And it worked! Three macaques were captured, along with around 30 others from different parts of the town. This was just the beginning, as the operation will continue for five days this month and likely be repeated in the future.

But it won't be an easy task. The monkeys are smart and have already learned to avoid the cages after seeing their friends fall into the trap. Patarapol Maneeorn from Thailand's Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation explains, "With the monkey's intelligence, if some of them go into the cage and are caught, the others outside won't enter the cage to get the food because they've already learnt what's happened to their friends."

The monkeys have long been a symbol of Lopburi, attracting tourists from all over. However, their increasing aggression has caused concern among residents and business owners. Some shops have even resorted to setting up wire fences to keep the monkeys out. One auto parts shop owner, Supaporn Tantiwong, shares, "When there are a lot of monkeys around, customers are afraid of buying the goods at the shop. Only our regulars aren't frightened."

The town's mayor, Chamroen Salacheep, agrees that the monkeys, while bringing in visitors, have also become a problem for businesses and the community. He plans to have a big cleaning and painting session once the operation is over to regain the trust and faith of the people. But it's not all doom and gloom for the monkeys. Authorities have also started a plan to give them a fresh start.

On Friday, the monkeys were sedated to undergo health checks, cleaning, sterilization, and even tattooing for identification purposes. They will then be transferred to large holding pens just outside the town center while a permanent home is found for them. It may be a challenging process, but the authorities are determined to find a solution that benefits both the town and its furry inhabitants.

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