Republican politician urges legislators to eliminate rights & recognition of LGBTQ+ community.

Florida Rep. Randy Fine is proposing a bill aimed at restricting drag and Pride events, which many see as an attack on LGBTQ+ rights.

April 14th 2023.

Republican politician urges legislators to eliminate rights & recognition of LGBTQ+ community.

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Despite Republican lawmaker Randy Fine's proposed ban on 'adult performances', activists are seeing it as a positive step in protecting the LGBTQ+ community. The bill is intended to protect children from 'adult live performances', however, the bill is seen to be 'purposely vague' in order to create a difficult administrative nightmare for public venues. Fine insists that the bill is not aimed at LGBTQ+ people and is only meant to prevent them from 'targeting children'. He argues that if this means 'erasing a community', then it should be done. The bill states that an adult live performance is one that includes 'sexual conduct' or 'lewd conduct'. This proposed bill is seen as a positive step in protecting children, while retaining the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

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