Rep. Santos has proposed a bill that would help increase vaccination rates, named after Nicki Minaj in recognition of her work advocating for people to get vaccinated.

Republican introduces bill honoring Nicki Minaj's cousin who inspired them to create a vaccine bill in Trinidad.

April 18th 2023.

Rep. Santos has proposed a bill that would help increase vaccination rates, named after Nicki Minaj in recognition of her work advocating for people to get vaccinated.
Just over a year ago, Nicki Minaj made headlines after expressing doubts about the COVID-19 vaccine. Now, her cousin's story from Trinidad seems to have inspired a Republican lawmaker to introduce a bill in her name. Rep. George Santos has proposed The Minaj Act, which aims to create a development period for new vaccines so that the public will have more confidence in them. This positive change is a testament to the power of Nicki Minaj's words and her influence on her fans.

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Rep. George Santos is making a positive change, introducing a new bill - The Minaj Act - inspired by Nicki Minaj's cousin in Trinidad. The bill aims to create an environment of trust and confidence in the new vaccines, a year and a half since Nicki Minaj faced backlash after expressing doubts about the COVID-19 vaccine. She tweeted, “They want you to get vaccinated for the Met. if I get vaccinated it won’t for the Met. It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research. I’m working on that now. In the meantime my loves, be safe. Wear the mask with 2 strings that grips your head & face. Not that loose one.”

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