Renck believes that Nix's experience and Payton's offensive expertise will be evident in the quarterback's preseason debut, solidifying his place as a starter.

Nix's success against Colts depends on controlling the huddle, maintaining rhythm, and protecting the ball.

August 11th 2024.

Renck believes that Nix's experience and Payton's offensive expertise will be evident in the quarterback's preseason debut, solidifying his place as a starter.
As the summer vacation comes to a close, we bid farewell to the warm sunsets and delicious barbecues, only to be met with the looming anxiety of August. It's a bittersweet transition, but one that we must all face. And while some may be lamenting the end of summer, others are eagerly anticipating the start of football season. In fact, the question on everyone's mind seems to be: does Disneyland offer a FastPass for NFL quarterbacks?

But for the Denver Broncos, the focus isn't on theme park perks. With their 14th starting quarterback since the retirement of Peyton Manning, the team is feeling the pressure to find a new leader. And as a self-proclaimed expert in the field, I feel compelled to offer some much-needed advice to coach Sean Payton. My goal is to provide insight, thoughtfulness, and analytical thinking in helping a rookie quarterback develop into a game-changing player.

The title of my column? "Please Bo Nix Don't Stink," a nod to the Broncos' current quarterback competition. Despite some optimistic fans believing that Denver could make a playoff push, the underlying theme of training camp is that the team is taking a gamble with their new quarterback. Payton has put his reputation on the line by selecting Nix, and now it's time to see if it pays off.

Sunday's preseason opener against the Indianapolis Colts will be the first real test for Nix. And while many will be watching for big plays and impressive stats, I believe it's more important to focus on his progress. After observing him in practices for the past two weeks, I predict his statistics will be nothing extraordinary. But it's the small steps forward that we want to see. Let's not forget that Broncos fans have been down this road before, only to be disappointed like the final scene in "Thelma and Louise."

I can't help but think back to 2016 when Mark Sanchez showed glimpses of promise in the preseason opener against the Bears, only to falter with an interception. Coach Gary Kubiak had high hopes for Sanchez, but a string of mistakes in practice ultimately led to Trevor Siemian securing the starting job. It's a valuable lesson to remember as we watch Nix's journey unfold. After all, Siemian was a seventh-round pick with a less-than-stellar career at Northwestern. But Kubiak saw something in him, and five months later, he was leading the defending Super Bowl champions.

But Nix is not Siemian. He's a first-round pick with a record-breaking 61 games of college experience. And while he may not be perfect, we shouldn't expect him to be. The NFL is a whole different ball game, with wider hash marks and less space for receivers to maneuver. What may have been a completion in college could easily turn into a trap in the NFL.

Payton knows this, and I believe he will set Nix up for success in his preseason debut. Expect some simple plays to build his confidence, even if they don't always work against the defense. But what we really need to see from Nix is not something that will show up in the box score. It's his ability to stay calm and focused under pressure. After all, he's been through a lot in his college career, from being hailed as a savior at Auburn to being benched before finding redemption at Oregon. He's faced adversity and come out stronger, and that's what I want to see on Sunday.

Nix has been described as a bit robotic, but that can be a good thing when it comes to calling plays in the huddle. We've seen quarterbacks like Paxton Lynch and Russell Wilson struggle with this aspect of the game, but Nix's knowledge of the plays and his ability to confidently relay them to his team should give him an advantage. And as he continues to learn and grow, his biggest challenge will be reading and adapting to different defenses.

I don't expect Nix to be perfect in his first preseason game, or even in his first season as a starter. But I do hope to see glimpses of his potential and the mental fortitude needed to succeed in the NFL. And as for the quarterback competition, I believe Nix has the motivation and support from Payton to come out on top. So let's enjoy the next two weeks of preseason football and see how this exciting and challenging journey unfolds. Because in the end, the Broncos need a quarterback, and it's up to Nix to prove he's the one for the job.

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