Get ready for your tarot horoscope for July 2024 based on your zodiac sign.

Prepare for the upcoming month.

June 29th 2024.

Get ready for your tarot horoscope for July 2024 based on your zodiac sign.
Are you ready for a fresh start with a new month? After celebrating the solstice, July marks the beginning of the year where the days start to get shorter. But don't worry, there's still plenty of summery vibes to enjoy, especially with Mercury moving into sunny-side-up Leo. This month, a New Moon in Cancer on July 5 will have us focusing on our homes and families, while the second Capricorn Full Moon on July 21 will bring a sense of drive and determination to our professional lives.

Here's your star sign's tarot horoscope for July 2024. Three tarot cards have been drawn for each sign, along with their meanings explained.

Aries (March 21 to April 20):
Aries, you may be surprised by how much you enjoy this phase. The Ten of Cups and Ten of Coins bring loyal and lasting vibes to your relationships and home life. You are nesting and it feels right. The Page of Coins shows that some of this is new territory for you, but that's okay, we're all learning as we go. Embrace your newfound stability and domesticity. Remember, home is where the heart is and make your nest a happy and harmonious place.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21):
Well done for standing firm in your beliefs, Taurus. The Justice card shows that your karma is about to come full circle and vindicate you. The Death card signifies a change that will bring new opportunities and energy. Embrace it and don't let the losers get to you. The Knight of Cups brings happiness and peace, and you deserve it. Remember, patience and time are your strongest allies.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21):
Sometimes, letting things collapse and end can be a relief, Gemini. The Four of Swords shows your withdrawal from a situation that has been weighing on you. The Tower card signifies its ultimate collapse, but don't worry, it was false or fading anyway. The Page of Swords shows your ambivalence towards it all, but remember, everything happens for a reason. Let it go and move on.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23):
Try not to take things to heart, Cancer. The Nine of Swords shows that you've been overthinking people's opinions and worries about your standing or reputation. The Three of Coins reminds you that you are thought highly of and to be confident in your skills. The Queen of Coins encourages you to embrace your growth and not be anxious about change and progress.

Leo (July 24 to August 23):
Great things are coming your way if you can release toxicity from your life, Leo. The Ten of Swords shows that it's time to let go of something toxic and draining. The Page and Knight of Cups are waiting in the wings to bring you joy and success, but they can't enter if this negativity remains. No regrets, just let it go and watch how your life improves.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23):
Temptation is in the air this July, Virgo. The Knight of Coins, The Lovers, and King of Swords indicate a complicated relationship situation. Whether it's romantic, friendship, family, or work-related, your head and heart may be at odds. Take the time to observe the dynamics and make a decision based on clarity and simplicity. Trust your intuition to guide you in the right direction.
Are you ready for the start of a new month? It's time to gear up for July, which marks the beginning of the year's second half. With the recent celebration of the solstice, we can expect the days to start getting shorter. But don't worry, there's still plenty of summer fun and social vibes to enjoy, thanks to Mercury moving into the sunny sign of Leo.

On July 5th, a New Moon in Cancer will have us all focusing on our homes and families. But watch out for the second Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st, as it brings a sense of drive and determination to our professional lives.

If you're curious about what July has in store for you, keep reading for your star sign's tarot horoscope. Three tarot cards have been drawn for each sign, and their meanings are explained below.

Aries (March 21 - April 20):
You might be surprised by how much you enjoy this phase, Aries. The Ten of Cups and Ten of Coins combine to bring a sense of stability and loyalty to your relationships and home life. It's time to settle down and create a strong foundation for yourself. The Page of Coins shows that this may be new territory for you, but don't worry, we're all learning as we go. Embrace the stability and harmony of your home and let it be your safe haven to return to after a long day.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):
Congratulations, Taurus! You've held firm in your beliefs, and now you're about to be vindicated. The Justice card shows that you were on the right side, and karma is about to reward you for it. The Death card represents a big change, but it's also an opportunity for growth. Embrace the new energy and opportunities that come your way. The Knight of Cups promises happiness, peace, and exciting new opportunities. You deserve it all, so hold your head high and march towards your dreams.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):
Sometimes, it's best to just let things collapse and end, Gemini. The Four of Swords shows that you may have been trying to hold something up on your own for too long. But now, the Tower card is here to kick it all down. It may seem overwhelming, but it's for the best. The Page of Swords shows your ambivalence towards this situation, but trust that the universe is doing you a favor by removing this obstacle from your life. Let it go and move on.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23):
Try not to take things too personally this month, Cancer. The Nine of Swords suggests that you've been overthinking people's opinions and worrying about your reputation. But the Three of Coins shows that you are respected and valued by those around you. Don't let your fears hold you back from going for that promotion or taking on more responsibility. The Queen of Coins reminds you to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Embrace your growth and don't let your anxiety hold you back.

Leo (July 24 - August 23):
Great things are on the horizon for you, Leo, but first, you need to release toxicity from your life. The Ten of Swords shows that it's time to let go of something that has been draining and negative. Trust that it's for the best, as the Page and Knight of Cups promise fun, love, and exciting opportunities once you clear out the negativity. It could be related to a relationship, job, or project, but whatever it is, know that you are making the right decision by letting it go.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23):
Temptation may be in the air this July, Virgo. The Knight of Coins, The Lovers, and King of Swords suggest a complicated love triangle or a situation where you feel torn between two sides. Whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship, or work dynamic, it's important to get clarity and simplify the situation. Don't make any hasty decisions, but trust that the right path will become clear to you this month. The key is to observe and let things unfold naturally.

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