Relative to King, his cousin's passing could relate to his prescribed drugs.

A 45-year-old died from a head injury, according to an inquest in March.

October 8th 2024.

Relative to King, his cousin's passing could relate to his prescribed drugs.
In February, a tragic event occurred that shook the Royal Family to its core. Thomas Kingston, cousin of the King, was found with a traumatic head wound at his family's Gloucestershire manor. The discovery of the 45-year-old financier's body left everyone reeling, and now an inquest is being held to determine the cause of his untimely death.

During a recent pre-inquest review hearing, it was brought to light that Thomas had been taking medication prior to his death. The family's lawyer, Martin Porter, shared that they had been advised of a possible connection between the medication and Thomas's state of mind at the time of his passing. As such, they are requesting that the inquiry not be limited to simply determining the cause of death, but also to investigate this potential link.

Senior coroner Katy Skerrett has agreed to include the recent prescription in the scope of the inquest, but she cautions that establishing a causative link may prove to be a challenging task. The court was informed that Thomas's death was unexpected and impulsive, with no signs of pre-planning despite his future-oriented mindset. It was a shock to those who knew him, especially his wife Lady Gabriella, whom he had married just the year before.

On the day of Thomas's death, he had been visiting his parents for a Sunday lunch. After the meal, his father went out for a walk with the family dogs. When he returned, Thomas was nowhere to be found. It was then that his father made the devastating discovery of his son's body in a locked out building on the manor's grounds. The head injury was described as catastrophic, leaving no doubt as to the cause of death.

In the aftermath of this tragic event, Lady Gabriella and Thomas's family released a joint statement expressing their sorrow and paying tribute to him as an exceptional man who brought light into the lives of those around him. The King and Queen also extended their heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Lady Gabriella and Thomas's family. It is a heartbreaking loss for all who knew and loved him.

In light of this heartbreaking news, it's important to remember that there is always support available for those who may be struggling. Organizations like Samaritans offer a listening ear, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They can be reached for free at 116 123 or by email at [email protected]. No one should have to suffer alone, and there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

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