Reduce allergens in your bedroom, take antihistamines, use a humidifier, and get regular exercise to help you sleep better during hay fever season. Create an allergy-free bedroom, take meds, use a humidifier, and exercise to sleep better in hay fever sea

Most hay fever sufferers experience sleep difficulties.

April 15th 2023.

Reduce allergens in your bedroom, take antihistamines, use a humidifier, and get regular exercise to help you sleep better during hay fever season.

Create an allergy-free bedroom, take meds, use a humidifier, and exercise to sleep better in hay fever sea

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With these tips, hay fever sufferers can look forward to a more restful night

If you’re a hay fever sufferer, you no longer have to dread the arrival of the warmer months. Making small adjustments to your routine, such as taking a hot shower before bed and sleeping with a warm rice-filled sock can help alleviate symptoms and promote a better night’s sleep. So, you can look forward to a more restful night and feel better prepared to tackle the day.

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With the right strategies, hay fever sufferers can look forward to a better night’s sleep

If you suffer from hay fever, you no longer have to dread the warmer months. By making small adjustments, such as taking a hot shower before bed and sleeping with a warm, rice-filled sock, you can alleviate your hay fever symptoms and improve your sleep quality. So, don’t let hay fever stop you from getting the best night’s sleep possible!

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