Recalling the harrowing experience of Hamas hostages, who were subjected to extensive abuse.

Rescue operation over weekend resulted in saving 4 people, but unfortunately 270 others died.

June 12th 2024.

Recalling the harrowing experience of Hamas hostages, who were subjected to extensive abuse.
The family of one of the hostages who was rescued in a daring Israeli operation over the weekend has come forward with shocking details about his time in captivity. Andrey Kozlov, a 27-year-old Russian citizen, was one of four hostages who were saved by Israeli forces during a raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. This rescue marks only the third time that Israel has successfully freed hostages from Gaza, and it has been met with great celebration in the country.

However, the operation also had a devastating impact, with authorities in Gaza reporting that at least 274 Palestinians were killed during the raid and subsequent firefight with Hamas militants. Kozlov and the other hostages were held in two civilian buildings in the densely packed territory. The Israel Defence Forces have explained that the simultaneous raid on both buildings was necessary to prevent the captors from harming the hostages if they became aware of the operation.

Kozlov had been living in Israel for almost two years and was working as a security guard at a music festival when he was kidnapped and taken into Gaza. In an interview with CNN, Kozlov's family shared some disturbing details about his eight months in captivity. They revealed that Kozlov initially believed the Israeli forces who rescued him were there to kill him, as he had been told by his captors that Israel wanted to kill all of them. It took him some time to realize that the IDF had come to save him.

Kozlov's father, Mikhail Kozlov, explained that his son was constantly living in fear and was subjected to psychological abuse by his captors. They would punish him for even the smallest things and he was not seen as a human being to them. His brother, Dmitry, added that they would try not to leave any physical marks on Kozlov, but they still found ways to punish him. He was also forbidden from speaking in Hebrew and was only allowed to whisper in English.

The family also shared their emotional reunion with Kozlov after his rescue. He was overwhelmed with gratitude towards Israel and felt a sense of obligation to help free the remaining hostages. Out of the 116 hostages taken on October 7, 41 are believed to be dead. Kozlov's family supports any means necessary to secure the release of the remaining hostages, whether it be through negotiation or further military action.

The doctor in charge of the medical treatment for the four hostages who were rescued on Saturday revealed that they had been subjected to physical and mental abuse on a daily basis. Dr. Itai Pessach described their experience as "harsh" and "beyond comprehension." Despite initially appearing to be in good condition, the hostages were malnourished and had lost a significant amount of weight. They also suffered from other health issues due to the lack of proper nutrition and medical neglect.

This is not the first time that hostages have spoken out about the inhumane conditions they faced while in captivity by Hamas. Some have shared stories of being forced to survive on only pita bread for days, while others were denied access to basic facilities like showers. The Israeli campaign in Gaza has resulted in thousands of deaths and has created a humanitarian crisis, with concerns over food insecurity and famine growing. A recent UN report has warned that over one million people in Gaza are at risk of starvation by mid-July.

As the family of Andrey Kozlov continues to cope with the aftermath of his traumatic ordeal, they are grateful for his safe return and are determined to do whatever it takes to bring the remaining hostages home to their families. They hope that by sharing their son's story, they can shed light on the horrific conditions that hostages are subjected to and raise awareness about the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

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