Rebecca Joynes sentenced for sexual relations with two students, cries in court.

A 30-year-old woman named Joynes had sex with some boys in her apartment and got pregnant by one of them while they were together.

July 4th 2024.

Rebecca Joynes sentenced for sexual relations with two students, cries in court.
In a recent court case, 30-year-old Rebecca Joynes was found guilty of six sex offenses, including having sexual relationships with two of her teenage students. As a maths teacher, she had engaged in sexual encounters with the boys, one of whom she became pregnant by. The court has sentenced her to six-and-a-half years in jail for her actions.

According to reports, Joynes had exchanged flirty messages with the boys on Snapchat before inviting them over to her apartment in Salford, Greater Manchester. On one occasion, she even took one of the boys shopping and bought him a £350 Gucci before spending the night with him. They had unprotected sex twice, and the boy had even expressed concern about her getting pregnant.

It wasn't until the police received a tip-off and the first boy's distraught mother caught wind of the situation that Joynes was exposed. She was immediately suspended from her job and bailed on the condition that she have no unsupervised contact with anyone under 18. During this time, she moved back in with her parents in the Wirral.

However, Joynes then began a relationship with the second boy, who was 16 at the time, after he messaged her on Snapchat. She eventually moved back to her flat in Salford Quays, where she took his virginity. The relationship continued for 18 months, even after the boy turned 18. When police came to arrest her, she attempted to wipe all messages from her phone by doing a "factory reset."

Despite her attempts to cover her tracks, detectives were able to retrieve messages from her network provider. Joynes gave birth to their son in early 2024, but the child was taken away from her just hours later. During her trial, she claimed that she had given into the attention given to her by the boys and was lonely after her nine-year relationship ended during the pandemic.

However, the jury rejected her claims and found her guilty of six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child and two counts of sexual activity with a child while in a position of trust. The age of consent for sexual activity is 16, but it rises to 18 when it involves someone in a position of trust. The judge, Kate Cornell, stated that the boys were vulnerable to the advances of an older, attractive woman and that Joynes had taken advantage of her position of trust.

During her sentencing, the judge addressed Joynes directly, stating that she had shown "breathtaking gall" and "arrogance" by breaching her bail, encouraging one of the boys to lie to his parents, and trying to cover her tracks. She also mentioned that Joynes had abused the trust placed in her by the school, the boys, and their parents, and that she had deliberately transgressed boundaries and turned a blind eye to her actions.

Joynes was also given a restraining order and is required to sign the sex offenders register for life. As this is a developing news story, there will be more updates to come. Follow The Agency on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news updates, and sign up for daily push alerts to receive articles directly to your device.

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