Reality star emotionally shares how ITV's call rescued him.

They experienced being 'cancelled'.

October 10th 2024.

Reality star emotionally shares how ITV's call rescued him.
Mitchel Taylor, a former Love Island star, recently opened up about his struggles with mental health after experiencing a traumatic event that left him feeling helpless. In an interview, he expressed his gratitude towards ITV for being there for him during his darkest moments.

After his time on the reality show, Mitchel, now 28, was thrust into the glitz and glamour of the celebrity lifestyle. However, things took a turn for the worse when he found himself at the center of damaging allegations about his behavior at an exclusive event. Online influencers accused him of being 'homophobic' and 'throwing money' at a homeless man, causing him to deny these claims and defend his actions.

Despite his efforts, Mitchel's mental health began to decline rapidly as he faced backlash and death threats. He was eventually dropped by his management and became afraid to leave his own home. In a podcast interview, he admitted that he never took mental health seriously until it happened to him and that he had suicidal thoughts.

Reflecting on his time on Love Island, Mitchel became emotional as he talked about his regrets and the toll it took on his mental state. But it was a call from ITV, inviting him to take part in the All Stars series, that ultimately saved him from his dark thoughts. They assured him that they were aware of the false accusations and believed in him, giving him a positive focus and a chance to redeem himself.

On the 2023 series of Love Island, Mitchel gained recognition for his inability to commit to one romantic partner, earning him the nickname 'Messy Mitch'. However, he now admits that he did what he needed to do to make good TV and that his second time on the show was not for love, but for his own gain.

Despite his past struggles, Mitchel is now in a better place, with a new management team and a loving relationship with model Hayley Griffin. He is grateful for the opportunities that have come his way and is excited for the future.

In light of his experience, Mitchel hopes to bring awareness to mental health and the importance of seeking help. He encourages others to reach out and seek support, providing contact information for helplines for those in need.

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