September 26th 2023.
Growing up, I had a great childhood in West London - I had loads of friends, loved playing football, and was your typical young boy. Everything was going great - until I started noticing a bald patch in the middle of my scalp. Initially, I didn't really think anything of it, but then people started pointing it out, asking me what it was. I was embarrassed and wanted to find a way to fix it.
My parents said it was probably to do with genetics, and so I started investing time and money into anything and everything that might help. I tried alternative therapies, saw specialists, changed my diet - but nothing worked. I felt like I was missing out on all the experiences of a young person, and my confidence hit rock bottom.
It wasn't until I was 23, when I was researching online for hair transplants, that I found the London Hair Clinic. They take a hair sample of your own hair and create something called a 'hair system', which basically creates an ultra-thin second scalp. I was nervous, but my consultant actually wore a hair system, making me realise that I wasn't alone. My hair system was finally fitted three months later - and I was literally on cloud nine when I saw the final result.
It took weeks for me to have the confidence to not wear a cap and start going out. I had to be careful with maintenance, using adhesive strips and going to the salon every month, but it was worth it. I even met someone and got married - and it's safe to say that I wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for the hair system.
Sadly, I think society's attitude towards baldness hasn't changed much since then. I don't know why I lost my hair so young, but I want to let other men know that there are options out there if you're struggling with hair loss. You don't have to suffer in silence.
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