Readers share their thoughts on the potential of an Indiana Jones game on PS5, their reactions to Gamescom Opening Night Live, and issues with Borderlands 4.

Readers of the Wednesday letters page have mixed reactions to the possibility of Xbox becoming a third-party platform, with one reader unimpressed by Emio - The Smiling Man.

August 21st 2024.

Readers share their thoughts on the potential of an Indiana Jones game on PS5, their reactions to Gamescom Opening Night Live, and issues with Borderlands 4.
In exciting news for gamers, it has been announced that the highly-anticipated game Indiana Jones And The Great Circle will now be available on multiple platforms. The release date is set for early December on Xbox and spring on the PlayStation 5. This is a much shorter wait time than expected, and it seems to signal a change in direction for Microsoft.

Many questions have arisen about the future plans for Microsoft and whether they will focus more on being a games publisher rather than a hardware maker. Some wonder if this means all new Xbox releases will be multiplatform, and if they will also expand to the Switch 2. These are all valid questions that have yet to be answered, but it's ultimately good news for gamers who want to experience these top games.

In other news, it seems that Microsoft may have made a mistake in announcing the Xbox version of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle at Gamescom. Some believe it would have been wiser to wait until next year to announce the PlayStation 5 version, as it took away from the excitement of the release date reveal. It also raises concerns about Microsoft's marketing strategy and their focus on selling hardware.

Despite some concerns, many are still eagerly anticipating the release of Indiana Jones And The Great Circle. However, some are questioning the future of Microsoft as a console manufacturer. With their recent moves, it seems they are shifting towards becoming a third-party publisher, similar to Activision Blizzard. This could have a major impact on their relationship with Sony and Nintendo.

Speaking of Nintendo, the upcoming Switch 2 has sparked discussions about the importance of graphics for third-party support. While Nintendo's consoles have been known to have lower graphics capabilities, it hasn't hindered their success. However, with the price of the Switch 2 likely to be the same as other consoles, some wonder if it's worth it to have inferior graphics. Only time will tell.
Hey there! Did you hear the news? Indiana Jones and The Great Circle is getting released for multiple formats! I know, I can hardly contain my excitement either. The Wednesday letters page is buzzing with reactions to Xbox's decision to go third party. One reader, in particular, seems to be unimpressed with Emio - The Smiling Man.

But let's focus on the good news - Indiana Jones And The Great Circle is coming out in early December for Xbox and in spring for PlayStation 5. Can you believe it? That's only five months of waiting for the PlayStation 5 version of one of Xbox's biggest exclusives. I mean, sure, there were rumors about this, but I don't think anyone expected it to happen this soon.

It's a big change of direction for Microsoft, and it really says a lot about their future plans. The big question now is, will this only apply to Bethesda games, or will all new Xbox releases go multiplatform? Is Microsoft transitioning into a games publisher rather than just a hardware maker? They could even become the new Valve, especially with their new app store in the works. But if this is the direction they're headed, it can only mean good things for Sony's platform in the long run, right?

And speaking of platforms, will Indiana Jones And The Great Circle also be released on the upcoming Switch 2? If so, does this mean that the Switch 2 will be out by the end of spring? There are still so many unanswered questions, but one thing is for sure - this is great news for gamers. The more people get to play these amazing games, the better.

Now, let's address some concerns. I know some of you may be worried about the PlayStation 5 launch date affecting the release of the Switch 2. But honestly, I don't think that's something we should be too concerned about. And let's not forget, there was a surprisingly good Switch port of Wolfenstein 2, so I wouldn't be surprised if Indiana Jones And The Great Circle ends up on Nintendo's new console.

Moving on, I have to say, I am disappointed in Phil Spencer and the rest of Xbox management. Not because Indiana Jones is going multiplatform - that's actually pretty exciting. But the fact that they announced it at Gamescom? That's just not a smart move. The release date was supposed to be a big reveal, but it got overshadowed by the PlayStation 5 announcement. Like, come on, guys. You couldn't have waited until next year to announce the PlayStation 5 version? Or at least not make a big deal out of it being multiplatform? It's almost as if Microsoft doesn't care about selling hardware anymore.

And let's talk about their marketing. The Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 segment didn't even advertise Game Pass on day one. I mean, what's up with that? It's safe to say that Xbox marketing is abysmal.

Maybe they were forced to make the announcement due to leaked information, but it's still a bad move on their part. Making the PlayStation 5 announcement the big reveal is just laughable. And I'm not surprised by any of this. Xbox management has been a mess for years.

On a positive note, I have to say, the preview for Indiana Jones And The Great Circle looks fantastic. It was already my most anticipated game, but now I'm even more excited for it.

But let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. It seems like Microsoft is slowly but surely giving up on being a console manufacturer and transitioning into a third party publisher like any other. It's like they're becoming Activision Blizzard instead of just buying them out.

And what's even more frustrating is the disorganized way they're going about it. Why announce that Indiana Jones is coming to PlayStation 5 and give a rough release date? What does that achieve other than making people less likely to buy it on Xbox or sign up for Game Pass? It's almost as if they're actively pushing people away from the Xbox ecosystem.

The only explanation I can come up with is that Microsoft has given up and is now waiting for streaming to become reliable enough so they can take advantage of it and make consoles irrelevant. But even then, who knows if they'll get it right. It could be five, ten, or even fifteen years until that happens. And let's not forget, Phil Spencer is still in charge, so I wouldn't trust them to get it right.

Anyway, let's switch gears and talk about something more positive. How are you guys planning on covering Gamescom? Will you be attending in person or covering it from your headquarters? Are there any opportunities for interviews or preview events? Keep up the fantastic work, and I can't wait to read your coverage.

And one last thing, I know some people don't care about how powerful a Nintendo console is, but this time, it's crucial. It will greatly affect third party support. With the ever-decreasing leaps in graphics, even if a game doesn't look as good on the Switch 2, it'll still be playable. It'll be like playing on a PC with lower graphics settings. So, in theory, the Switch 2 could have a full range of third party games, in addition to Nintendo's own titles. But the downside is that it'll probably be the same price as other consoles, even though the graphics will be inferior. But we'll have to wait and see how it all plays out.

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