Coronation Street reveals unexpected plot twist in Joel's murder storyline, confirming popular fan theory.

Fans are often the first to uncover the truth!

June 28th 2024.

Coronation Street reveals unexpected plot twist in Joel's murder storyline, confirming popular fan theory.
Could it be that Joel has finally met his match? The speculation among Coronation Street fans has been buzzing for weeks, and it turns out the one who's determined to take him down is none other than DS Lisa Swain's daughter, Betsy! In a surprising twist, it seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to this mother-daughter duo.

Last week, we caught a glimpse of the mysterious Betsy eyeing Joel at the police station while chatting with her friend Sabrina. It was clear that she didn't trust him one bit. Later on, when Joel approached Sabrina at the precinct, he couldn't help but throw some suggestive comments her way. And to everyone's horror, it became apparent that he was setting her up to be his next victim, just like he did with Lauren Bolton in February.

As the two were having a conversation, Joel casually offered to spike their coffees with whiskey, which caught Sabrina's attention. It was a red flag for her, wondering why a seemingly trustworthy man would offer alcohol to a young girl. Meanwhile, the families were trying to get to know each other better, and Sabrina couldn't shake off her guilt for being naive and unknowingly handing over Joel's business card to her friend, only to have it pocketed instead.

In tonight's episode, we saw Joel and his oblivious fiancée Dee-Dee enjoying drinks with their families at the Viaduct Bistro to celebrate their engagement. But it was clear that Joel had other things on his mind. Sabrina, still feeling guilty, couldn't believe her naivety, while her friend Betsy was confirmed to be Swain's daughter. Things took an intense turn when Betsy sent another text asking for money, and Joel tried to make excuses but was unable to escape. And then, to everyone's shock, Betsy showed up.

Pretending to be a troubled client, Betsy agreed to give Joel some one-on-one time to talk, hoping it would clear his schedule for the rest of the day. However, instead of a calm conversation, Joel rushed her outside and onto Brewery Lane, behind Underworld, and warned her that she would regret making any false allegations against him. But fans were left wondering if Joel's threats were enough to keep Betsy from spilling the truth.

At the end of the episode, we saw Betsy enjoying fish and chips in the park when Swain approached her, calling her by name and telling her to go home. Could Betsy be the one to crack the case before her own mother does? The tension is building, and fans are eagerly waiting to see what happens next.

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