Readers discuss the potential high price of the Nintendo Switch 2, the graphics of Space Marine 2, and the cost of Until Dawn.

The Monday letters page is unsure about the current plot in God Of War, with a reader questioning the potential for Indiana Jones And The Great Circle on PS5.

August 19th 2024.

Readers discuss the potential high price of the Nintendo Switch 2, the graphics of Space Marine 2, and the cost of Until Dawn.
Is Nintendo really as predictable as people make it out to be? This question has been brought up by the confusion surrounding the ongoing story in God of War, as well as the speculation about Indiana Jones and the Great Circle coming to PS5. But one thing that can be said for certain is that Nintendo has a track record of success.

In fact, I am so confident in Nintendo's ability to maintain their success that I would be willing to bet a fair amount of someone else's money on the fact that the Nintendo Switch 2 will not see a significant increase in price. When it comes to making consoles, there are two things that have remained true for Nintendo in the modern age: they aim to keep their products affordable, and they prioritize gameplay over graphics.

Of course, there may be some doubt about this if the success of the Switch has gone to their heads. However, based on their recent actions, I highly doubt that Nintendo would break their traditions in either of these aspects. My prediction is that the Switch 2 will be priced similarly to the original at launch and will not have any major improvements in terms of graphics.

I am no technical expert, but even I can see that the jump in power from the Xbox Series S to the Switch 2 would be quite significant. While it is possible with new chip technology, there are also concerns about heat and space. Nintendo would not want to sell a handheld console the size of a house or one that sounds like a jet engine due to the cooling fans inside.

But of course, I am just trying to predict Nintendo's moves here. They have been known to make some surprising decisions in the past, but I don't think they would completely abandon the strategies that have worked for them thus far.

Moving on to the topic of the PlayStation 5, I am another person who will not be getting it anytime soon. As someone who considers themselves a keen gamer, I usually wait two to three years before joining a new generation. But in this case, it just doesn't seem worth it. There are not enough games available, and the lack of release dates for upcoming titles is concerning. On top of that, the PS5 Pro is rumored to be released soon, which means there is no chance of getting a discount on the current model.

In my opinion, waiting for the PlayStation 6 in a few years makes much more sense. It will give Sony and the gaming industry time to sort out their current issues and hopefully improve the overall situation. As for the decline in sales, it is not surprising considering these problems. However, I do wonder if casual gamers are aware of these issues.

I was glad to see the Reader's Feature discussing Alien: Isolation, as I also believe it is one of the best horror games ever made. It's a shame that the game's reputation was initially tanked by a terrible review from IGN before it was even released. This negative reception continued for a long time until recently when people started to rediscover the game.

Interestingly, the same thing happened with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, as the 8.8 out of 10 from GameSpot also led to a lot of negativity towards the game. In this case, I actually agree with the score and believe that it is the weakest of the mainline 3D Zelda games.

On a different note, I recently received one of my orders from Limited Run Games, a company that I frequently purchase games from. I noticed a warning on the back of the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Volume 2 for the Switch, which was not present on UK Switch game cases or PlayStation 4 and 5 games from Limited Run Games. The warning read, "Warning: Cancer and reproductive harm." I can only assume that this is for ingesting the cartridge.

Speaking of the game, I never had a Neo Geo Pocket Color when it was originally released. I didn't have much money at the time, and I was also worried that the format wouldn't last long. But now that these collections have been released, I decided to buy them to try out the games. I also have Volume 1.

Currently, I am playing F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch and thoroughly enjoying it. But I must say, the warning on the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Volume 2 case has me a bit concerned.

Shifting gears, I am excited about the upcoming release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. It was a surprise to hear that a sequel was in the works, considering how long it has been since the original game. But from what I have seen so far, it looks like my dream Warhammer 40K game.

As a gamer, I find it interesting that the game looks visually impressive despite most likely having a lower budget compared to other popular titles. My theory is that this is due to the game being more linear and not open-world with hundreds of hours of gameplay. And if this is the cost of getting more unique games made, I am all for it. Plus, the shorter game length is actually a positive for me.

The only downside is the price, which is currently set at £60. However, I am sure I will be able to find a way to get it at a lower price while still supporting the developer.

In conclusion, there are still many unknowns and surprises in the gaming industry, but one thing is for sure: Nintendo and Sony are constantly trying to find a balance between customer satisfaction and profitability. And as gamers, all we can do is wait and see how things unfold.
Have you ever wondered if Nintendo is actually more predictable than we give them credit for? This is a question that has recently been raised on the letters page of a popular gaming publication. One reader, amidst the ongoing discussion about God of War, has even gone so far as to bring up the potential release of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on the PlayStation 5. It seems that many are curious about what surprises Nintendo may have in store for us.

When it comes to creating consoles, Nintendo has always had two consistent goals in mind: keeping prices reasonable and focusing on gameplay over graphics. These principles have served them well in the past, and it's unlikely that they would stray from them now. Of course, there is always the chance that the success of the Switch has gone to their heads, but based on their recent decisions, this seems highly unlikely. Therefore, it's safe to assume that the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 will have a similar price point and modest graphics to its predecessor.

Although I am no technical expert, I do find it hard to believe that the Switch 2 will have a significant increase in power, especially when compared to the Xbox Series S. Sure, technology is always advancing, but there are also limitations such as heat and space to consider. Nintendo would not want to create a handheld console that is the size of a house or one that sounds like a jet engine because of all the cooling fans inside it.

Of course, this is all just speculation on my part. As much as I would like to think I can predict Nintendo's next move, they always seem to surprise us in one way or another. However, I do believe that they will stick to what has worked for them in the past and not deviate too much from their tried-and-true formula.

Moving on to a different topic, it seems that I am not alone in my decision to wait a few years before jumping into the next generation of consoles. Many of us are choosing to hold off on purchasing the PlayStation 5 due to the lack of games and the inevitable release of a Pro version. Waiting for the PlayStation 6 seems like a more sensible option, as it will give the industry time to sort itself out and potentially offer better deals on the console.

I also appreciated the recent Reader's Feature about Alien Isolation. It's a fantastic horror game that unfortunately received a terrible review from IGN, causing a lot of negativity surrounding it. The same can be said for Zelda: Twilight Princess and its infamous 8.8 from GameSpot. Although I personally agree with their review, it's a shame that it impacted the game's reputation so heavily.

On a slightly different note, I recently received a game from Limited Run Games, Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Volume 2 for the Switch. To my surprise, there was a warning on the back of the case that I have never seen before on UK Switch games or PlayStation 4 and 5 games from Limited Run Games. It read, "Warning: Cancer and reproductive harm." I can only assume that this is a precaution in case someone ingests the cartridge.

Speaking of the game itself, I never had a Neo Geo Pocket Color back in the day because I couldn't afford it and was worried it wouldn't last long. But now, with these collections being released, I can finally experience the games I missed out on. Currently, I'm playing F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch, which I highly recommend.

Lastly, I am excited to see the release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. As a fan of the franchise, I was pleasantly surprised to hear of its development, especially since the first game was released so long ago. The visuals look impressive, and I suspect this is due to the game's more linear and focused approach, rather than trying to create a massive open world. Although the price may be a bit steep, I am determined to find a way to support the developer while still getting a good deal. All or nothing, as they say.

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