Reader thinks Hideo Kojima deserves criticism for wasting time.

Reader worries that Hideo Kojima's new project, Physint, may limit his creative freedom.

February 4th 2024.

Reader thinks Hideo Kojima deserves criticism for wasting time.
Is Hideo Kojima losing control of his creativity? A reader recently expressed frustration regarding Kojima's latest announcement of Physint and concerns that he may be squandering the artistic freedom he currently enjoys. This is a common issue with highly talented individuals like Kojima, who often become convinced of their own invincibility and the brilliance of their work due to constant praise and validation from those around them. We see this phenomenon in other fields such as acting, directing, and music, but it's not as prevalent in the gaming industry, although Todd Howard may be another example.

The problem with Howard is that he seems to be stuck in a rut, continuously producing the same type of game with diminishing quality since Skyrim. While Death Stranding was a refreshing departure from the Metal Gear franchise, it still had the potential to become a clone of Kojima's most famous work, as many developers tend to do when they leave their flagship series. This raises concerns about what Kojima's next project may entail.

Back in the early 2000s, when Kojima was still working at Konami, he wasn't solely focused on Metal Gear. He also explored other unconventional projects like Zone Of The Enders, Boktai, and even contributed to the revival of Castlevania and Silent Hill. However, since becoming an independent developer, he seems to be fixated on creating sequels to Death Stranding, a Metal Gear clone, and possibly a Silent Hill clone.

Many have pointed out that Kojima needs an editor, but it goes beyond that. He needs someone who can tell him when he's going too far down the rabbit hole and help him stay grounded. This has become increasingly apparent in his recent public appearances, such as The Game Awards, where he spent over 10 minutes on stage without saying anything substantial about his new game OD, despite footage being leaked a year prior. Similarly, during the State of Play event, he seemed to be teasing a new Metal Gear game, but instead of being upfront about it, he chose to say nothing, leaving fans to decipher his cryptic message.

There is a need for more developers like Kojima in the industry, who are unafraid to take risks and push the boundaries of what is considered conventional. However, with great freedom comes great responsibility, and Kojima hasn't been living up to it lately. His obsession with creating interactive movies and blurring the lines between gameplay and cutscenes has led to concerns that he may be losing sight of what makes his games truly great – the gameplay.

The reader's main worry is that Kojima's self-indulgence may ultimately affect the quality of his games and limit the opportunities he and other innovative developers may have in the future. While he may have the freedom to do whatever he wants, it's essential to exercise restraint and not just do things because he can, but because they add value to the overall experience.

In conclusion, Kojima is a talented and influential developer, but with great power comes great responsibility. It's crucial for him to have someone who can keep him in check and ensure that his creativity doesn't spiral out of control. Otherwise, it may have consequences not only for his own work but also for the industry as a whole.

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