Reader suggests The Wind Waker remake should include cut content.

A fan proposes that Nintendo revamp GameCube's Zelda: The Wind Waker by incorporating a new dungeon to improve upon the game's shortcomings.

June 8th 2024.

Reader suggests The Wind Waker remake should include cut content.
Nintendo is known for being mysterious, but the biggest mystery right now is their plans for the future. Fans are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the highly anticipated Switch 2 and what Nintendo will have in store for us in the meantime. While a Nintendo Direct has been promised for this month, we can only speculate on what games and remasters will be revealed.

One suggestion that has come up multiple times is the idea of remaking a Zelda game to fill the gap until a new mainline title is released. Many fans have suggested other Game Boy Color and top-down games, since the last remake was Link's Awakening. However, one reader has a different idea - a remake of The Wind Waker.

Although The Wind Waker already has a remaster, the reader believes that a remake could serve a purpose that is not applicable to other Zelda games - it could improve upon the original. The Wind Waker is a great game, but many fans know that a lot of content was cut from the final release. This is especially obvious in the last third of the game, where the pacing seems off and the Triforce quests become tedious.

It's a shame, because without these flaws, The Wind Waker could possibly be the best Zelda game of them all. The dungeon design is top-notch, the graphics are stunning, and there are many beloved characters, including Tingle. However, the missing dungeon and the repetitive Triforce quests hold it back.

It's unclear why the content was cut, and Nintendo has never spoken about it in detail. It's possible that the dungeon was never even designed, but the reader suggests that even if it wasn't, Nintendo could create a new one from scratch. This would not only improve upon the original, but also give Nintendo some practice with dungeon design, which has been scaled back in recent games.

In terms of the sailing, the reader suggests making it more challenging and involving actual skill, rather than just pointing the boat in a direction and sailing in a straight line. While the sailing looked great, it needed to be more engaging.

With the addition of new content, the reader proposes scaling back the Triforce pieces and possibly adding in lost content or ideas that were never realized. This may not be the traditional approach to remakes, but the reader believes it could elevate The Wind Waker to classic status.

However, the reader acknowledges that Nintendo is unlikely to take on this idea, but it's their suggestion nonetheless. It's clear that the reader is passionate about The Wind Waker and would love to see it get the remake treatment it deserves. As for the Triforce quest, let's all hope that Nintendo takes note and spares us from another tedious quest in future Zelda titles.

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