Reader believes that Call of Duty collaborations with WWE and Gundam are negatively impacting the game.

Reader thinks Call Of Duty is losing its originality by adding too many unrealistic elements to try and imitate Fortnite.

July 14th 2024.

Reader believes that Call of Duty collaborations with WWE and Gundam are negatively impacting the game.
If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Call Of Duty is a wildly popular game. I mean, just look at the number of complaints it receives on a regular basis - that's a surefire sign of success. And as a fan, I don't want to add to that negativity, you know? But I just can't keep quiet about this latest development - a WWE crossover with Call Of Duty. I mean, seriously? That's just going too far.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's the dumbest crossover they've ever done (I still have nightmares about Nicki Minaj), but let's face it, things have gotten out of hand. It's like they're trying too hard to be like Fortnite, adding in all these random crossovers that just don't fit with the game. Sure, Rambo and Die Hard were cool, but then they went from there to Judge Dredd and Scream - not exactly the most compatible choices for a military shooter. And it only got worse from there, with Attack On Titan, Godzilla, and Terminator. I mean, come on! These are not a good fit for Call Of Duty.

But it didn't stop there. We got Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Boys (who really have no business using guns), Tomb Raider, Spawn, and He-Man. And let's not forget Lilith from Diablo 4 - what does she have to do with Call Of Duty? It all just seems so random and unnecessary. And now they've added Warhammer, Gundam, and WWE to the mix. WWE?! Last time I checked, Call Of Duty was not an anime game, and those robots from Gundam are massive - how does that even work in the game?

I know, I know, Modern Warfare 3 was a disaster, so we've had other things to worry about besides silly crossovers. But with the release of Black Ops 6 this year, I'm hoping for a return to form for the series. And that means no more random crossovers. I don't want to be playing as Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins in Call Of Duty - that's just not what the game is about.

Speaking of which, Call Of Duty has always struck a good balance between realism and fantasy. It's not a serious military simulation, but it's not all fantasy either. It has its own distinct tone and atmosphere, and I feel like that's being eroded by all these crossovers. It's clear that Activision Blizzard is more concerned with making easy money than maintaining the integrity of the game.

So yes, I may be complaining about Call Of Duty, but I truly believe that things are getting worse with every new skin they add. With Black Ops 6, I hope they take a step back and focus on what made the game great in the first place - an arcade military sim, not a wrestling game or a mech simulator.

Now, I'm not saying my opinion represents that of everyone else. We all have our own thoughts and feelings about the game. But I just had to get this off my chest, especially with this whole WWE crossover happening. I mean, do kids even know who Skeletor is? Let's try to stick to the original concept of the game, and maybe we'll all have a better experience.

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