Read your tarot horoscope for the week of August 19-25 to find out what's in store for you.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

August 18th 2024.

Read your tarot horoscope for the week of August 19-25 to find out what's in store for you.
Get ready for a new week as we welcome the energetic and transformative energies of a Full Moon in Aquarius. This celestial event will bring us valuable insights and understanding in our relationships, prompting us to make necessary changes to bring balance, harmony, and peace to our connections. With the start of Virgo season on August 22, we can expect a sense of order, discipline, and practicality to guide us after the exuberance of Leo season.

This week is the perfect time to get organized and establish healthy routines in our homes, health, wealth, and work. It's a chance to put our lives in order and set ourselves up for success. Let the tarot be your guide as you make positive changes for the better in the coming days.

Aries, it's time to make your money work harder for you. The Ten of Coins urges you to think about your financial investments and take necessary steps to protect and nurture your long-term wealth and security. This could involve paying off debts, saving for the future, or exploring new ways to grow your money. The opportunities and ideas for financial growth will be abundant, so make sure to do your research and seek advice before taking action.

Taurus, the Two of Wands calls for you to focus on a specific goal in either your health or wealth. Tune out distractions and other options and put all your energy into achieving this goal. This could involve making a bold and fast start, but it will set the tone for future success.

Gemini, hone in on one aspect of your life and power through this week. The Knight of Coins asks you to identify the area that needs the most work and give it your all. It may require sacrifice and hard work, but it will benefit you in the long run. Keep going and make this week count.

Cancer, your nurturing and caring nature will be in high demand this week. The Six of Coins reminds you to share your time, resources, and support with others in need. Your acts of kindness will not only make a difference in someone else's life, but they will also bring you joy and good karma.

Leo, reflect on your successes and accomplishments from the past year. The Six of Wands encourages you to build upon these achievements and take them to the next level. With so many opportunities and open doors available to you, all you need to do is take the next step towards your goals.

As Virgo season begins, take time to reflect and gain clarity on any confusing or troubling situations in your life, Virgo. The Lovers card reminds you to approach these issues with a positive and logical mindset, avoiding self-blame or negative thinking. Use this time to come to helpful conclusions and take necessary steps towards resolution and growth. Gift yourself with clarity and positivity during your sign's season.
It's time to gear up for a brand new week ahead! The Full Moon in Aquarius is set to bring some much needed insight and understanding when it comes to our relationships. We may find ourselves wanting to make some changes in order to bring balance, right any wrongs, and restore harmony. It's all about bringing peace to the land!

But that's not all, because Virgo season is also starting on August 22nd. This will bring a sense of order, discipline, and good sense after the wild highs of Leo season. It's the perfect time to get our houses in order, create healthy rituals and schedules, and start good habits. Let's get on top of our home, health, wealth, and work.

This week, let the tarot guide you towards positive change. Let's take a look at what's in store for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 to April 20): The Ten of Coins is your tarot card for the week, Aries. It's time to make your money work harder for you. This could mean looking into financial investments or making a step change in order to protect and nurture your long-term wealth and security. Whether it's paying off debt, saving for the future, or finding ways to grow your money, now is the time to take action.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): The Two of Wands is your card for the week, Taurus. It's time to pick a priority and focus on a health or wealth goal that makes sense to you. Tune out any distractions and other options, and make a headstrong start on this endeavor. Don't be afraid to think big and make a fast, furious start. This will set the tone for success in the long run.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): The Knight of Coins is your card for the week, Gemini. It's time to hone in on one aspect of your life and give it your all. Ask yourself where you feel there is the most to do and gain - is it your home, work, finances, or health and wellbeing? Focus on that area and put in the effort and determination needed to make progress. Remember, all your hard work now will pay off in the future.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23): The Six of Coins is your card for the week, Cancer. It's time to bring out your helpful, nurturing, and generous nature. Look around and see who needs your support and advice. This is a week to show up for those in need and share what you have. Your kindness and generosity will not go unnoticed and will ultimately benefit you in the long run.

Leo (July 24 to August 23): The Six of Wands is your card for the week, Leo. Take a look back at the past year and identify what has worked well for you. These are your wins. Now, think about how you can build on those successes, expand them, and take them to the next level. This is your strategy for the week, and it will lead to even more doors opening for you.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23): The Lovers is your card for the week, Virgo. As your sign's season begins, take some time to reflect on the past year and come to some useful conclusions. It's easy for you to get overwhelmed by ambiguous situations, but trust your sharp thinking and come to a clear understanding. This will bring you clarity and positivity for the rest of the season.

So, let's embrace this new week and make the most of what the tarot has to offer us. It's all about making positive changes and taking steps towards a brighter future.

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