Rachel Riley: "No secret that I prefer Colin Murray to Anne Robinson."

Anne's style was described as authoritative.

June 15th 2023.

Rachel Riley:
Colin Murray took over as the permanent host of Countdown earlier this year, replacing Anne Robinson who stepped down from the long-running Channel 4 show after recording 265 episodes. During Anne's tenure, rumours circulated about a 'feud' between her and Rachel Riley, the show's 37-year-old co-star.

Rachel has opened up about her and Anne's relationship, telling The Daily Mail: 'Anne was a lot more headmistress style and that suits some people, and some people enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s any secret that I am enjoying working with Colin a lot more.' Rachel added that Anne was a 'veteran' and knew what she wanted, and that she wasn't under any illusion that people watched the show for her.

On Piers Morgan's Uncensored last May, Anne was asked about her relationship with Rachel. Anne explained that some performers like a lot of noise before they go on air, while others like her need quiet while she's getting her contestants to remember their hobbies.

Rachel has previously expressed her enthusiasm for Colin, describing him as an 'absolute Countdown geek' and the studio's atmosphere as a 'happy ship'. She also said that audiences are loving Colin, which is the 'most important thing', and that viewing figures have gone 'multiple times' what they were.

The original show was first broadcast on Channel 4 in November 1982 and has had a number of hosts since then, including Des Lynam, Des O’Connor and Jeff Stelling, before Nick took over in 2012. Countdown is aired weekdays on Channel 4 at 2.10pm.

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