QAnon follower expected to enter the race for an open Arizona congressional seat.

Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, filed to run for Congress in AZ on Nov. 9.

November 13th 2023.

QAnon follower expected to enter the race for an open Arizona congressional seat.
Jacob Chansley, more widely known as the QAnon Shaman, has filed paperwork to run for Congress in Arizona. He was released from federal prison in March of 2023 and is now in a halfway house in Phoenix.

The US Constitution does not bar anyone convicted of a felony from holding any public office, so Chansley is eligible to run - prompting many to call for a law that would prevent those who took part in the J6 coup to overthrow the government and seize power for Donald Trump from doing so.

Chansley is running in Arizona's 8th District, which is currently vacant due to Republican Rep. Debbie Lasko's decision to not run for reelection last October. Chansley was the public face of the insurrection as he was among the first group to enter the Capitol building and grabbed a bullhorn to demand legislators be brought out. He also left a note for then Vice President Mike Pence that read, "It's only a matter of time. Justice is coming!"

Chansley is running as a Libertarian candidate, a political party that is described by the California Secretary of State's office as being fiscally conservative and socially liberal while believing in a small or limited government that does not interfere in the lives of people. He is not the only former insurrectionist in the race, however. Other contenders include Arizona state Sen. Anthony Kern, Blake Masters, Abe Hamadeh, Trent Franks, Seth Coates, Isaiah Gallegos, Jimmy Rodriguez, Rollie Stevens, and Brandon Urness.

Despite previously referring to himself as the QAnon Shaman, Oregon Public Radio reports that Chansley has disavowed the QAnon movement. It's unclear what his political aspirations are, as attempts to reach Chansley and his attorney went unanswered.

These revelations come at a time when the country is still reeling from the events of Jan 6, and it remains to be seen if Jacob Chansley will actually make it to Congress.

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