Putin summons 150,000 more Russians for military duty.

Russia's current conscription drive is the most extensive in eight years.

April 1st 2024.

Putin summons 150,000 more Russians for military duty.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the Russian government's decision to call up an additional 150,000 citizens for mandatory military service. This move, initiated by President Vladimir Putin, marks the highest conscription drive in the country in the past eight years. It is a well-known fact that Russia has a conscription campaign twice a year - once in spring and then again in fall. This time, however, the number of individuals being called up is significantly higher than before.

The mandatory military service in Russia is applicable to all men between the ages of 18 and 30. However, with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, many young men try to dodge this responsibility through various means. This has resulted in a shortage of manpower for the country's armed forces. To address this issue, the Russian government has decided to increase its recruitment efforts by an additional 30,000 individuals every month. This will not only help maintain their current advantage on the frontline, but also help them wear down the Ukrainian defences.

According to a briefing by the British Ministry of Defence, Russia has a significant edge in the conflict due to its large number of soldiers and ammunition. This has been made possible through continuous recruitment efforts. In fact, in July, the lower house of the Russian parliament even raised the maximum age for conscription from 27 to 30. This new legislation is set to come into effect in 2024.

The concept of mandatory military service has always been a sensitive topic in Russia. Many young men go to great lengths to avoid it during the bi-annual call-ups. It is a well-known fact that families often have little faith in the government's promise of not sending those forcibly enlisted to the conflict zone in Ukraine. This fear is understandable, given the gravity of the situation.

Despite the government's promises, the people of Russia remain wary of the conscription process. The thought of their loved ones being sent to the frontlines is a constant worry for many families. However, it is also important to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the brave soldiers who put their lives on the line for their country. As the conflict in Ukraine continues, the role of these conscripted individuals becomes crucial in maintaining Russia's advantage on the battlefield.

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