Provide guidance to your staff to help them develop and reach their goals.

Leaders empower their team to succeed: coach employees to take on leading roles for success.

January 8th 2024.

Provide guidance to your staff to help them develop and reach their goals.
Leaders are only as great as their teams, and successful managers recognize the importance of empowering their subordinates to take on key roles at a company. This creates a win-win situation, with motivated workers taking tasks off the manager's plate and allowing the manager to focus on their own advancement.

But how can you ensure that a good worker is also a great manager? Entrepreneur Paul Spiegelman offers some advice in an Inc. article. He suggests that while 'promoting from within' is noble, it is irresponsible to do so without preparation. Resources may be limited, and in such cases, looking outside for experienced managers or someone to train the next generation of leaders may be necessary.

When it comes to advancing the careers of the best workers, and in particular when they move into a leadership position for the first time, there are some steps that must be taken. It's important to give them a mentor, invest in internal or external training, guide them on how to be an example to others, teach the difference between management and leadership, check in often to help with new issues, and ensure they enjoy the role.

Middle managers and supervisors wield tremendous influence, and their roles should not be underestimated. Empowering the employees you promote will result in many benefits, both immediately and in the long run. As a socially conscious business, cultivating a strong team of leaders is an ideal way to create a lasting impact.

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