Protester self-immolates at Israeli consulate in protest of Gaza conflict.

The third person has self-immolated due to Israel's Gaza war.

September 15th 2024.

Protester self-immolates at Israeli consulate in protest of Gaza conflict.
In the aftermath of a shocking incident, a significant number of police officers could be seen gathered outside. Reports have confirmed that a man had doused himself in gasoline and set himself on fire in front of Israel's consulate located in Boston. The distressing event took place on Wednesday, the same day that marked the 23rd anniversary of the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York.

Footage captured by NBC10 Boston shows the individual pacing back and forth outside the consulate before being engulfed in flames. Onlookers can be seen rushing to the scene in an attempt to extinguish the fire and help the victim. According to a French tourist, her boyfriend heard the man's agonizing screams and immediately tried to put out the fire with his backpack.

The man was quickly transported to the hospital with severe burns, although there have been no updates on his condition from the authorities. Prior to the incident, a video had emerged on social media featuring a man named Matt Nelson, an anti-war activist, announcing his plan to self-immolate as a form of protest against the US government's support of Israel's war in Gaza. In the video, Nelson passionately calls for an end to the violence and urges the government to stand up for the rights of innocent Palestinians.

The act of self-immolation has been seen three times in the US since October 7, all in response to the ongoing bloodshed in Israel. In February, a member of the US air force named Aaron Bushnell tragically passed away after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC. And just a few months before that, a woman set herself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, her identity remaining anonymous.

The individual in the recent Boston incident, believed to be Matt Nelson, had also made his intentions clear in the video, where he states that he is about to engage in a drastic form of protest. He calls for the US government to stop funding Israel's violent actions and to support the International Criminal Court's actions against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a powerful message to the people, he urges them to take back control and help free Palestine from the ongoing oppression. Despite the tragic outcome of the incident, it is evident that the man's message has reached many and sparked conversations about the current state of affairs.

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