Programs and grants to help Black creators get the funding they need to launch and grow their businesses. Black content creators get access to grants and programs to help them launch and grow their business.

Explore creator funds & programs to help boost your hobby, side hustle or business.

August 18th 2023.

Programs and grants to help Black creators get the funding they need to launch and grow their businesses.

Black content creators get access to grants and programs to help them launch and grow their business.
Whether you’re looking to create content as a hobby, side hustle, or business booster, you’re definitely not alone. The creator economy has enabled many solopreneurs to earn money, find their niche audience, and even help brands tap in with their own target audiences. It’s no surprise then that many digital platforms have created their own creator funds and programs to support this economy.

YouTube’s #YouTubeBlackVoices Grant Program seeks to amplify unique Black perspectives and emphasize Black economic equity and well-being. Applications for the 2024 will open up soon, so keep an eye on their official website for more information. Another great option is LinkedIn’s Creator Accelerator Program, which provides a six-week incubator-style program, coaching, and early access to LinkedIn tools. Moreover, you can also apply for the Pinterest Creator Fund and receive up to $25,000 in cash and advertising credits.

Have you considered TikTok’s #BlackTikTok Creator Program? This four-month program fosters connection, education, entertainment, and inspiration between Black creators and the TikTok team. You can expect exclusive events and perks to elevate your craft, so don’t feel discouraged to apply and get your name out there. If you’re a streamer looking to level up from Affiliate status, Twitch’s Partnership Program might be the right choice for you.

The Coalition to Back Black Businesses has distributed $8.5 million in cash grants to more than 1,400 Black small business owners, with individual rewards of up to $5,000.’s BIPOC Small Business Marketing Grant and Comcast RISE provide additional resources to help small businesses scale and thrive. Lastly, the National Association for the Self-Employed offers grants of up to $4,000 each, while the FedEx Small Business Grant Contest awards U.S.-based small businesses grants between $15,000 to $50,000.

The creator economy is full of opportunities for solopreneurs. With these various creator funds and programs, you can access the resources to reach your full potential, grow your audience, and even get your hands on cash grants and marketing credits. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking for a way to take your work to the next level, there’s sure to be something that fits your needs!

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