Priest and police victims of coordinated attacks in Russia.

"Militants attack and kill seven at church and two synagogues."

June 23rd 2024.

Priest and police victims of coordinated attacks in Russia.
Tragedy has struck in Russia's southernmost Dagestan province, as six law enforcement officers and a priest have reportedly been killed in a series of coordinated attacks by gunmen. The attacks occurred in two separate cities, Derbent and Makhachkala, and have left 12 officers wounded. It is unclear which city the officers were injured in, but the two cities are about 120km apart.

According to reports, two militants were also killed following the attacks. The Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti reported this morning that the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the deaths of the militants. The violence has shocked the region, and the community is struggling to come to terms with the loss of life.

Among the victims was a priest, who was killed in the attack on the church in Derbent. The Chairman of the Dagestan Public Monitoring Commission, Shamil Khadulaev, shared the heartbreaking news. He explained that the priest, Father Nikolay, was 66 years old and very ill. The attackers slit his throat, and also shot a security guard at the church who was armed with only a pistol. Other priests have taken refuge in the church and are awaiting assistance.

In addition to the attack on the church in Derbent, a synagogue in the same city was also targeted. Photos show the building engulfed in flames, with thick smoke billowing from the windows. It is believed that the attackers also set fire to the synagogue before moving on to their next target. In Makhachkala, a synagogue and a police traffic post were also under fire during the same time period.

The Israeli foreign ministry has described the attacks as a combined effort, targeting both synagogues. They confirmed that the synagogue in Derbent was completely destroyed in the fire, and local guards were killed. The synagogue in Makhachkala was also attacked with gunfire, but no further details are available at this time. Fortunately, there were no worshippers in either synagogue during the attacks, and no casualties have been reported from the Jewish community.

The head of the Dagestan Republic, Sergey Melikov, has released a statement on Telegram regarding the attacks. He explained that the unknown attackers were attempting to destabilize the region, but were met with resistance from the Dagestan police. Melikov also stated that there are victims among the officers, and efforts are being made to identify the attackers and take appropriate action.

Despite the chaos and tragedy, Melikov urged the public to remain calm and not give in to panic and fear. He emphasized that the attackers were counting on causing chaos and fear, but the Dagestan community will not give in to their tactics. The Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan has launched a terror investigation into the attacks and is working to establish the identities of the attackers and their motives.

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