Prep for the new year by taking steps to improve your career prospects.

Start working on your career goals now! has a list of 20 steps to help boost your career before New Year's Eve. Here are 10 of them.

December 28th 2023.

Prep for the new year by taking steps to improve your career prospects.
Why wait until January 1st to start working towards your career goals for the New Year? There are still a few days left in 2023 and you can take advantage of this time to jumpstart your career in 2024. Here are 10 career-boosting steps you can take before New Year's Eve.

Write down your wins. It's important to take the time to recognize your accomplishments and achievements from the past year. Make a list of your top 10 professional accomplishments and incorporate them into your résumé. Employers love to see descriptions of accomplishments as opposed to duties.

Congratulate someone on their career success. Not only will you make someone's day, but you'll also demonstrate to employers that you are a positive and encouraging person.

Redesign your professional materials. Give yourself a refreshed look for the New Year by ordering beautiful new business cards and revamping your personal website.

Clean out your inbox. Take the time to go through your emails and unsubscribe from mailing lists that waste your time.

Send a thank you note. Show your gratitude to someone who has helped or inspired you this past year. A handwritten note is a simple and classy way to make them feel special and strengthen your professional network.

Read up on how to perfect your résumé. Take a look at these 43 tips and apply them to your résumé. You may even want to start from scratch instead of building on one you've had for years.

Add some style to that perfected résumé. Take a look at these 275 free templates and find one that fits your style.

Contact an expert if you're lost. If you're feeling stuck or don't know where to begin, it might be worth it to hire a coach to get you past your obstacle.

Learn how to answer the most common interview questions. Your résumé will get you the interview, but it's the interview that will get you the job. Prepare in advance by running through these common questions.

Update your professional wardrobe. Make sure to purchase items that are both professional and industry-appropriate so you can present yourself with confidence.

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