Premier League investigate Chelsea's finances, could lead to points deduction.

Owners asked League if payments to offshore firms were legal.

August 8th 2023.

Premier League investigate Chelsea's finances, could lead to points deduction.
Chelsea are currently under investigation by the Premier League, UEFA, and the Football Association for potential financial rule breaches during the time of Roman Abramovich's reign at Stamford Bridge. According to The Times, Chelsea's new owners reported the irregular payments made to offshore companies and a player's family during the £4.25 billion takeover last year.

The report also claims that Chelsea discovered payments to six offshore companies that weren't registered in the club's annual financial reports. Despite the possible breaches occurring during the Abramovich era, Chelsea could still be penalised, possibly with a fine or a points deduction.

Last month, Chelsea agreed to pay UEFA €10 million due to ‘incomplete financial reporting’ during the Abramovich era. Moreover, payments made by Chelsea to the father of Andreas Christensen are expected to be included in the investigation.

It was previously reported that Chelsea had recruited Sten Christensen as a scout when they signed Andreas from Brondby in 2012. Documents indicated that Christensen's father was paid £11,400 per month plus VAT for four years, totalling £656,640. However, there is no evidence that Christensen's father worked as a scout for Chelsea, as he was still employed as Brondby's goalkeeping coach.

It remains to be seen what sanctions the Premier League will take against Chelsea. The outcome of the investigation could have serious implications for the club, so we will have to wait and see what they decide.

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