Pregnant at 16 weeks, orgasms feel strange.

Sexual climax is strange when expecting.

May 31st 2024.

Pregnant at 16 weeks, orgasms feel strange.
Welcome to "How I Do It," a series where we give you a sneak peek into the sex life of a stranger for seven days. This week, we hear from Kate*, a 36-year-old woman who is expecting her first child in September with her partner of three years, Andy*. She explains how they have kept their sex life alive during her pregnancy.

Kate shares that they haven't been together for a long time in the grand scheme of things, but they were lucky enough to get pregnant within the first few months of trying. Despite the quickness of it all, they made sure to prioritize remaining connected and sensual with each other during her pregnancy. As a bonus, Kate has plenty of friends who have already gone through the experience, so she has a support system to turn to for advice and even ask those "gory" questions about how their sex lives were impacted.

Now in her second trimester, Kate feels fortunate and lucky to have had an easy time conceiving. But she and Andy have made it a top priority to keep the spark alive during her pregnancy and after the baby is born. Without further ado, here's how Kate's week went:

Monday: Today marks Kate's 16th week of pregnancy, and she and Andy are relieved to have passed the 12-week mark and entered the second trimester. Unfortunately, the first trimester wasn't very conducive to lots of sex for Kate, as she experienced constant nausea and headaches. But they did manage to get intimate a couple of times, with Andy always being respectful and checking in on how she was feeling. Despite feeling vulnerable and delicate during the first trimester, they were able to achieve a few orgasms. However, today is not a sex day as Kate is craving pepperoni pizza and feeling exhausted.

Tuesday: Before getting pregnant, Kate and Andy had a very active sex life, with the trust and intimacy of their relationship resulting in some of the best sex she's ever had. They enjoyed Sunday afternoon delight and passionate sex after dressing up and going out for dinner. However, today, a Tuesday in the second trimester, they don't have sex. With both of them working during the day and Kate being out in the evening, she is too tired to do anything after a long day.

Wednesday: Finally, a sex day! As it's unusually sunny, Kate spends some time lying in the garden and getting some rays. She tells us that she is somewhat "solar powered" and often feels frisky after a day in the sun. That night, after dinner, she initiates some foreplay, and Andy is delighted and up for it. They have to be more careful and avoid rougher sex, but they still manage to have a satisfying experience.

Thursday: As they start to talk about what their sex life will be like after the baby comes, Kate and Andy are hyper-focused on not letting their child interrupt their intimacy in the bedroom. They want to maintain their bedroom as a bubble of peace and intimacy, and plan on making their child's bedroom a place they feel comfortable in, rather than constantly coming into theirs. Today, they don't have sex as Kate is tired and craving a big meal.

Friday: With Andy out for a boys' night, Kate feels unexpectedly frisky. She admits to having masturbated a few times during her pregnancy, and while it's a sexy experience, she feels more guilt and shame around it compared to having sex with her partner. She takes advantage of the alone time and has a relaxing night in.

Saturday: Unfortunately, Kate experiences some uncomfortable pains in her abdomen and worries about miscarriage as any pregnant woman would. She tries to reassure herself by reading about the normal "growing pains" around the uterus but still feels anxious. One of the most frustrating aspects of pregnancy is all the rules and guidelines around what one can eat, drink, and do. Kate just wants to relax and take a hot bath without worrying about the baby. She takes a walk and watches a movie to take her mind off things, and they don't have sex.

Sunday: They enjoy a long lie-in and spend some quality time giving each other pleasure. Kate feels more connected to Andy during these moments, and they hope to continue their healthy sex life into early parenthood. She ends by saying that if anyone has a story to share, they can get in touch by emailing her.

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