Praise for the Tories and should we support Southgate?

Is the recent gambling scandal further damaging the Tory party's reputation?

June 23rd 2024.

Praise for the Tories and should we support Southgate?
It seems that history is repeating itself once again, as the saying goes "first as a tragedy, second as a farce." In the current context of the 2019 "Brexit Election" and the recent gambling scandal, Karl Marx's words seem particularly fitting. Andrew McLuskey, who shared his views via email, believes that the upcoming election on July 4th is just another example of the greed within the Tory party.

The gambling scandal involves two Tory candidates, their aide Craig Williams, and a security team member. All of them are under investigation for betting on the election, which has sparked a discussion among readers in MetroTalk. One commenter pointed out that this kind of behavior seems to be a familiar pattern within the Tory party and wonders if it will be another nail in the coffin for them.

But is this the only issue we should be concerned about? Some readers suggest that we should also pay attention to the alliance between Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran. They believe that these totalitarian regimes pose a threat to the democratic freedoms of Western nations. To combat this, they argue that NATO's military capabilities must be strengthened and protected, including increasing defense budgets to be prepared for potential cyber attacks.

On a lighter note, readers also shared their support for England's coach Gareth Southgate. Despite criticism from some, many believe that he has been a successful coach, fostering a strong team spirit and competitiveness in the England team. They compare his performance to previous coaches and argue that he should be celebrated rather than criticized.

In the midst of all these discussions, some readers also had lighter topics to share, such as the behavior of England fans during the Euro tournament. While Scotland fans remain positive even after losing a game, England fans seem quick to boo and criticize their team. Some suggest that this negative attitude should change and fans should support their team no matter what.

What are your thoughts on these topics and more? Share them in the comments below.

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