Costco shoppers in the UK may experience significant changes as the retailer implements new policies.

The store is tightening rules on sharing memberships.

January 15th 2024.

Costco shoppers in the UK may experience significant changes as the retailer implements new policies.
Recently, the wholesale retailer has been taking steps to prevent the sharing of memberships with friends and family. If you've been sharing your Costco card to save on your supermarket shopping, you may be in for a surprise. The company has implemented new measures to crackdown on membership sharing, requiring shoppers to scan their card before filling up their trolleys.

A Reddit user, @mike753951, shared a photo from their local Costco in Washington, US, showing customers using a new machine at the entrance. The sign below the card reader reads, "You will be asked to scan your membership card before entering the warehouse." This new trial scheme automates the process of checking membership cards, allowing door staff to compare the photo on the screen to the person standing in front of them.

This new process is currently being tested at the Issaquah store in the US and has also been implemented at some of the chain's 29 locations in the UK. A spokesperson for Costco stated that the purpose of this trial is to match members to their cards before they start shopping.

This move comes after the company's efforts to prevent non-members from using other people's membership cards to gain access to their outlets. Last year, Costco started asking for photo ID if the membership card did not have a picture, and even those using self-checkouts were subjected to checks. The company's CFO, Richard Galanti, stated that it was not fair for non-members to receive the same benefits and pricing as their members.

While some people threatened to boycott Costco over this new policy, many others welcomed the move. On Reddit, @tongue2tied shared their experience of seeing people with multiple carts of items being turned away at the checkout for using someone else's card. This could be one of the reasons for the company's decision to implement the new scanning process.

Other Redditors, such as @angrybox1842 and @rissaaah, also shared their thoughts on the matter, stating that they would rather deal with the minor inconvenience of scanning their card than being stuck behind someone causing a scene at the checkout for not having a membership.

A recent Channel 5 show, "Costco: Is It Really Worth It," delved into the retailer's tactics to entice consumers to spend more money. The show concluded that while not everything is cheaper when bought in bulk, Costco still offers good value for money overall.

In these times of rising living costs, many people are looking for ways to save on their spending. Bulk buying is one way to save on staple items, but it's important to consider the shelf life of products as well. Do you have a story or experience to share? Feel free to reach out by emailing us.

In other news, Cadbury has discontinued a UK favorite ahead of Christmas, but some fans have found a discounted version at Costco. Also, did you know that a common supermarket habit is actually illegal and could result in a hefty fine? With changes being made to loyalty discounts at supermarkets, it's important to stay informed.

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