Playing Diablo 4 felt like an unpaid job, so the reader decided to quit.

He stopped playing Diabo 4 due to its structure and time-consuming demands, frustrating him.

August 6th 2023.

Playing Diablo 4 felt like an unpaid job, so the reader decided to quit.
I recently found out what Diablo 4 is really like, and let me tell you, I regret ever starting it. I had played some co-op Diablo 3, but never owned it, so when I heard Diablo 4 was coming out I thought I'd give it a go.

At first glance, Diablo 4 is a great game. The action is smooth, the graphics are beautiful, and it has a deep well of abilities and powers. But it's got this strange mobile phone game mentality, where you're constantly trying to do the same mindless, repetitive tasks over and over. It's like the developers think that's what the game is about, and it's so annoying.

Diablo 4 isn't really about the story, but I was having fun with the campaign until I reached the endgame. That's when I realised that Blizzard probably thinks the real game starts there. Suddenly, I had to slog through endless levels and grind for rare loot. Everything I had to do was so complicated, and it was just a never-ending list of chores. It felt like I was running errands the whole time, not saving the world from an ancient evil.

I was about to give up when I heard the new season was even worse, and you had to make a new character to play it. That was the last straw. If Diablo 4 was a movie, it could be fixed with a good editor, but since it's a game, you're stuck with the grind.

It's clear that Blizzard is making a lot of money from microtransactions, but I'm out. If there was a similar game with a different structure, and less demands on your time, I'd be interested, but I'm sure something like that will be just as desperate to use up all your free time as Diablo 4.

So, if Sony is going in the same direction with their live service games, I'm not looking forward to the future of this generation.

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