November 15th 2023.
After months of speculation, photos of the bag of cocaine found at the White House in July 2023 have finally been released. These photos, obtained by ABC News, show the cocaine, which was found inside the White House complex close to the West Wing entrance. This entrance is normally used for visitors on tours, and the bag was found in cubby #50, which is used to store visitors' belongings.
Following the discovery of the cocaine, the White House was immediately shut down. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were not on-site at the time. The Secret Service investigated the matter, and on Jul. 12, they closed the investigation without identifying a suspect. According to their statement, hundreds of people had access to the area and security camera footage didn't provide enough evidence to single out a person of interest.
The FBI then identified the substance as "white powder," but after further testing, they determined that it was cocaine. In order to identify potential suspects, the FBI conducted a backward examination that spanned several days before the discovery of the substance. This resulted in an index of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area.
The close of the investigation took aback Republican lawmakers. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy claimed that it seemed like the Biden family was being given special treatment. He told Fox News, "They have cameras 24-7. It just seems to me when it comes to the 'Biden, Inc.' family, they get treated different than anybody else."
The case of the cocaine found at the White House remains unsolved. In the face of this lack of physical evidence, the Secret Service's investigation is now closed.
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