Pictures for 2024 reveal a legend's worst fear, news rocks the village & warning signs are everywhere.

Photo gallery of Emmerdale ep. from 1-5 Jan.

December 27th 2023.

Pictures for 2024 reveal a legend's worst fear, news rocks the village & warning signs are everywhere.
Aaron Dingle was a welcome sight at the Woolpack on New Year's Eve. Chas was delighted to have her son with her to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new.

Mandy Dingle was also present in the bar. She had seen an online post from Tom King, announcing Belle Dingle's engagement to him. Belle was taken aback by this, as she hadn't expected Tom to make the announcement without consulting her first.

Mandy was also there to comfort Sam Dingle, who was still missing Lydia Hart. Rhona Goskirk made her way to the Woolpack to have a chat with Marlon Dingle. She admitted that she was growing attached to baby Ivy, confirming her decision to keep the infant in her custody.

Caleb Dingle and Amit Sharma were also present in the bar. Amit was trying to reconcile with Jai, and his brother Caleb was fully supportive of his efforts.

Eric Pollard took a dizzy spell in the cafe. Jacob Gallagher and Rodney Blackstock both insisted that he take better care of himself.

Jacob and Victoria Barton were feeling apprehensive about telling everyone about their romance. However, it seems that news of their relationship will soon be out in the open.

The New Year promises to be a dramatic one in the village, with big shocks, revelations, and surprises in store. Will the villagers be able to cope with everything that will be thrown at them? It looks like we'll just have to wait and see!

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