Phillip Schofield continues his family's customs following the passing of his mother, Pat.

Pat passed away at the age of 88.

October 16th 2024.

Phillip Schofield continues his family's customs following the passing of his mother, Pat.
Phillip Schofield, the popular TV presenter, recently shared some personal news on social media. His beloved mother, Pat, passed away at the age of 88. This was the first time Schofield returned to social media since announcing the sad news to his followers.

Despite the loss, Schofield has made a promise to himself to continue keeping up with family traditions. In fact, he recently visited the seafront and indulged in a hearty takeaway meal. He even shared a photo of his dinner on Instagram, mentioning how this was something he used to do with his mother. The picture showed a box filled with delicious food, which he enjoyed from the comfort of his vehicle, parked near the beach. From there, he had a stunning view of the sea and the rocky hills.

In his Instagram stories, Schofield gave his followers a closer look at the location, with the tide coming in next to the hills. It was clear that he was enjoying the peaceful and beautiful surroundings, just like his mother used to.

Schofield announced the passing of his mother on October 14th and expressed how he was by her side in her final moments. In a heartfelt post, he wrote about the love and care they shared in those last three days. He also thanked the paramedics and hospital staff who were like angels to them during this difficult time. It was clear that Schofield was deeply proud and privileged to have had such a wonderful mother.

After leaving his role as a presenter on ITV last year, Schofield spent time with his mother at her home in Cornwall. He wanted to stay away from the public eye and focus on spending time with his loved ones. Unfortunately, Pat's health took a turn for the worse and she was hospitalized. Schofield remained by her side, caring for her and providing her with comfort.

Pat was not only a mother to Schofield, but also to his younger brother Timothy, who is currently serving a 12-year sentence for a serious crime. Despite this, Schofield had a close relationship with his mother and was devastated by her passing.

Last year, Schofield made headlines for resigning from his role on This Morning and later leaving ITV altogether. It was revealed that he had been going through personal issues and had even admitted to having an affair with a colleague. However, he recently made a comeback to television, with a three-part docuseries on Channel 5 called Cast Away. The show follows Schofield as he spends 10 days alone on a remote island off the coast of Madagascar. While some were excited to see his return, others were divided about his comeback.

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